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![15: World War II](
15: World War II
Lyrics Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition
Lyrics and story behind the popular song that came out in the wake of the Pearl Harbor attack.
Port Chicago, CA, Explosion 1944
Article from US Naval Historical Center, connected to Chicago Port Munity
The Authentic History Center: World War II
The Fallen of World War II - Data-driven documentary about war & peace
17 minutes video and interactive tool that explore civilian and military deaths in World War II. With colored icons on a black background and straightforward narration, this video compares and contrasts deaths across countries and time during World War II. Could be used as a homework assignment with an online forum for reactions.
Teaching Students About World War II - How is it taught in Russia?
At a half-hour long, and a little dry in its presentation, teachers may find it difficult to share this video with students who are more attracted to feature films or "crash course" paced videos. yet, this video exposes students to a different version of the history of World War II. Although US History students would benefit, World Studies students need this perspective to understand World War II on a global scale.
Incarceration at Fort Oglethorpe during World War I | States of Incarceration
Though dwarfed in size by the incarceration of Japanese-Americans in World War II, the incarceration of German citizens in World War I is similar - though largely unknown as aspect of the war
In all, 6,300 Germans and German-Americans were arrested and over 3,600 were interned. While some were believed to have assisted Germany with information or finances during the war, many were incarcerated for simply being German. Along with German soldiers, Fort Oglethorpe also held German businessmen, journalists, academics, and artists who likely had no connection with the war effort of their native country.
Harry Truman: POTUS
POTUS summary site with basic information (elections, cabinet, Supreme Court appointment) and links to other materials
Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima
Eyewitness accounts of Hiroshima from War Times Journal
YouTube - Atomic Age - J. Robert Oppenheimer Quote
J. Robert Oppenheimer describes the reaction to the first test of an Atomic Bomb at Trinity.
Japan Protests U.S. Stamp On A-Bombs - New York Times
History and the Culture Wars: The Case of the Smithsonian Institution's Enola Gay Exhibition | Smithsonian Institution Archives
The Last Act: The Atomic Bomb and the End of World War II: a planned exhibit by The National Air and Space Museum
This provides a side by side of the first and last draft of the exhibit, both of which were eventually dropped .
Eleanor Roosevelt
Companion site for American Experience documentary. Includes timeline and extra information of people and events in film
Battle of the Bulge PBS
Companion site for American Experience documentary. Includes timeline and extra information of people and events in film
National WWII Memorial
Site commemorating national monument in Washington DC. Links to registry, photos and dedication
Harry S Truman National Historic Site
Children of the Camps: the Japanese American WWII internment camp experience
Companion site for American Experience documentary. Includes timeline and extra information of people and events in film
The Debate Over Japanese Internment Is Deeply Flawed
This five minute read can show teachers how their lesson on Japanese detention is incomplete, inaccurate and wrong. It only takes the inclusion of a few details to strengthen their lessons and make them more accurate - not only for the event itself, but for the discipline of history as well.
Trump’s supporters suggest that detention was harsh but necessary; his critics say that it was a mistake. But both sides seem to agree that the government believed it was justified. And both sides seem to agree that in the Korematsu case, the government offered its good-faith defense of detention, and the Supreme Court ruled that it was constitutionally sound. In fact, however, none of these things is true.
Salt Lake City governors' meeting | Densho Encyclopedia
Teaching students about the forced incarceration of Japanese Americans is really only half the story. Look at what governors of states who housed the concentration camps said when the plan was proposed.
Wyoming governor Nels Smith said that his state would not "stand for being California's dumping ground." If Japanese Americans bought land in his state, he added, "There would be Japs hanging from every pine tree." [5]
Meeting between the War Relocation Authority (WRA) and western state governors, attorneys general, and other state and federal officials held on April 7, 1942, in Salt Lake City, Utah, to discuss the resettlement of Japanese Americans excluded from the West Coast in their states. The unanticipated hostility of state officials to Japanese Americans coming to their states led to the WRA pursuing the building of concentration camps to house the removed Japanese Americans and contributed to the resignation of the WRA's first director, Milton Eisenhower .
Appeal of President Roosevelt to Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany and Poland. September 1, 1939.
FDR appealed to the belligerent countries at the start of World War to to refrain from bombing innocent civilians. Ironic considering what the USA would do just six years later. A similar note was sent to the Soviet Union on December 1 1939
I am therefore addressing this urgent appeal to every Government, which may be engaged in hostilities, publicly to affirm its determination that its armed forces shall in no event and under no circumstances undertake bombardment from the air of civilian populations or unfortified cities, upon the understanding that the same rules of warfare will be scrupulously observed by all their opponents.
The Decision to Drop the Bomb; Davidson and Lytle
Excerpt from the Book After the Fact
The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb | Harry S. Truman
Telegrams, notes, press releases and meeting minutes related to the dropping of the atomic bomb. This site should be included in any listing of resources students could use in a basic "Why did we drop the bomb?" debate/project.
The National D-Day Museum
Translating War: The Combat Film Genre and Saving Private Ryan | Perspectives on History | AHA
The bottom line of the positive critical evaluations is this: <em>Saving Private Ryan</em> is a new and different World War II combat film because it finally refutes the dishonesty of previous Hollywood movies of the genre.
WWII veterans who have stated that <em>Saving Private Ryan</em> is the most realistic presentation of combat they've seen.
Spielberg's mastery of sound, editing, camera movement, visual storytelling, narrative flow, performance, and color combine to assault a viewer, to place each and every member of the audience directly into the combat experience.
This opening sequence is a nightmare.
<em>Bataan</em> (1943), directed by Tay Garnett and written by Robert D. Andrews.
<em>Bataan</em>, of course, was shot entirely inside a studio on sets, using matte shots, rear projections, and artificial fog machines. What <em>is</em> realistic (and gritty) about it is the genuine anger it contains. Its propagandistic passion was fueled by the recent fall of Bataan and America's overall failure in the early days of the Pacific war.
This <em>Bataan</em> beheading is one of the most graphic of combat deaths of the pre-sixties period, and certainly one of the most brutal of the era itself. Yet by today's standards, it is a bloodless kill.
Does this mean "unrealistic"? Physically, yes. Psychologically and emotionally, perhaps not.
Filmmakers of the 1940s knew how to create powerful effects for the audiences of their time.
People already knew about the horrors of war in 1943, they didn't need to see spurting blood
<em>Guadalcanal Diary</em> (1943
the United States spent more than $50 million annually on documentary movies.
My research for <em>The World War II Combat Film</em> indicated that the traditional story format contains three basic elements: hero, group, and objective
US Army in World War II - Center for Military History (US Army)
The United States Army in World War II series describes the organization, plans, and operations of the War Department and the Army, in the zone of interior and in all of the Army's five theaters of operations from 1939 to 1945.
Historians Protest New Enola Gay Exhibit | Perspectives on History | AHA
Hiroshima: The Harry Truman Diary and Papers
Fogonazos: Hiroshima, the pictures they didn't want us to see
The American occupation forces imposed strict censorship on Japan, prohibiting anything "that might, directly or by inference, disturb public tranquility" and used it to prohibit all pictures of the bombed cities. The pictures remained classified 'top secret' for many years. Some of the images have been published later by different means, but it's not usual to see them all together
Dwight David Eisenhower
Biographical booklet from the U.S. Army Center of Military History