01: Colonization

01: Colonization

Come On, Lilgrim - Commonplace
Come On, Lilgrim - Commonplace
Bernard Bailyn and Kathleen Donegan
Seasons of Misery (2013), Donegan
Seasons of Misery is, in Donegan’s words “a study about the unsettling act of colonial settlement, and how English settlers became colonial through the acute bodily experiences and mental ruptures they experienced in their first years on Native American ground.”
violence and terror, in Donegan’s account, were the very fabric of Pilgrim settlement.
2012 The Barbarous Years
“not mainly of triumph, but of confusion, failure, violence, and the loss of civility as they sought to normalize abnormal situations and to recapture lost worlds, in the process tearing apart the normalities of the people whose world they had invaded.”
he collapse of Plymouth into Massachusetts into New England as the unitary origin of U.S. culture offers a putatively uncomplicated, white story of national origins that is appealing in its simplicity.
Jane Kamensky
Schiff’s The Witches
Stacy Schiff
“Poor Cotton Mather, cast by Schiff as a preening, ego-driven throwback who ‘reveled in the occult,’ was in fact not only a leading theologian, but also a fellow of the Royal Society of London—the first elected from the colonies—who helped pioneer the practice of inoculation against smallpox, thus transforming, quite literally, the face of the world, an achievement orders of magnitude more significant than his writings on witchcraft.”
he gathering William Bradford describes in Of Plymouth Plantation is memorable precisely because it marks a departure from the struggle that preceded and followed it.
These details have not prevented Thanksgiving from becoming the heart of an orgy of consumption that runs from Halloween to New Year’s. Increasingly, Thanksgiving feels like the undercard to Black Friday, when we gather to endure scenes of chaos and violence in order to get more stuff.
Narrating how we got from the precarity of this first Plymouth Thanksgiving in the 1620s to the current terrain of Black Friday and Cyber Monday in the twenty-teens would take more time and space than is available.
Giving thanks properly in 2015 means committing to a ritual of hyper-consumption, where eating to the point of discomfort in order to wake up before dawn to fight strangers for deals on flat screen TVs is a national ritual of gratitude. It is a holiday, appropriately enough, filled with paradoxes. In the United States, we endure long and grueling trips to spend time in rooms with people we only ever see on Thanksgiving, thankful that there is televised football to fill the space where conversation would be. We work long and hard to prepare foods that many people dislike.
Come On, Lilgrim - Commonplace
How the Potato Changed the World
How the Potato Changed the World
from Smithsonian Magazine
Equally important, the European and North American adoption of the potato set the template for modern agriculture—the so-called agro-industrial complex. Not only did the Columbian Exchange carry the potato across the Atlantic, it also brought the world’s first intensive fertilizer: Peruvian guano. And when potatoes fell to the attack of another import, the Colorado potato beetle, panicked farmers turned to the first artificial pesticide: a form of arsenic. Competition to produce ever-more-potent arsenic blends launched the modern pesticide industry. In the 1940s and 1950s, improved crops, high-intensity fertilizers and chemical pesticides created the Green Revolution, the explosion of agricultural productivity that transformed farms from Illinois to Indonesia—and set off a political argument about the food supply that grows more intense by the day.
How the Potato Changed the World
Christopher Columbus was awful (but this other guy was not) - The Oatmeal
Christopher Columbus was awful (but this other guy was not) - The Oatmeal

The oatmeal beats Columbus like a rented mule in this article/presentation. Although sans citation, this isn't sourced, but nonetheless in the aggregate, mostly accurate. What is truly remarkable is that there are countless elementary school classrooms in which students are sitting right now, as you read this, still learning the Columbus myth. Still.

Easy discussion prompt for worthwhile discussion from middle school on up - How does a myth survive?

Christopher Columbus was awful (but this other guy was not) - The Oatmeal
American Journeys | Lesson Plans
American Journeys | Lesson Plans
Viking exploration and French/English religious nature of colonization of North America from the Wisconsin Historical Society
American Journeys | Lesson Plans
Geography and Its Impact on Colonial Life - Lesson
Geography and Its Impact on Colonial Life - Lesson

Lesson Plans - For Teachers (Library of Congress) European settlement patterns were influenced by geographic conditions such as access to water, harbors, natural protection, arable land, natural resources and adequate growing season and rainfall. Examine a variety of primary sources to determine why colonists were drawn to a particular region of the country.

Geography and Its Impact on Colonial Life - Lesson
Inclusion and exclusion in two historic Thanksgiving cartoons
Inclusion and exclusion in two historic Thanksgiving cartoons
Every history teacher should read this short article about different representations of the Thanksgiving Holiday. It describes how Thanksgiving is a reminder that questions of inclusion and exclusion are constantly asked and answered in American history, including (perhaps especially) during holidays. From the National Museum of American History
Inclusion and exclusion in two historic Thanksgiving cartoons
Historic Trades - Williamsburg Videos
Historic Trades - Williamsburg Videos
At a half hour each, there is more material here than could be fit into one lesson - but perhaps students could be tasked with watching just one, then reporting to the class what it would be like to be that person
Historic Trades - Williamsburg Videos
Extract from Thomas Jefferson’s “Notes on the State of Virginia,” 1782 [Quote] | Jefferson Quotes & Family Letters
Extract from Thomas Jefferson’s “Notes on the State of Virginia,” 1782 [Quote] | Jefferson Quotes & Family Letters
Deep rooted prejudices entertained by the whites; ten thousand recollections, by the blacks, of the injuries they have sustained; new provocations; the real distinctions which nature has made ... will divide us into parties, and produce convulsions which will probably never end but in the extermination of the one or the other race.
Extract from Thomas Jefferson’s “Notes on the State of Virginia,” 1782 [Quote] | Jefferson Quotes & Family Letters
Edward Winslow, the Unsung Hero of Thanksgiving | History | Smithsonian
Edward Winslow, the Unsung Hero of Thanksgiving | History | Smithsonian
lmost everything we know about the first Thanksgiving in 1621 is based on a few lines from a letter.
Like most Pilgrims, Winslow suffered personal loss in the early years of the settlement. His first wife Elizabeth died in March, 1621. Barely six weeks later, Winslow married Susanna White, whose husband had died as well. It was the first marriage in the new colony and produced five children.
Edward Winslow, the Unsung Hero of Thanksgiving | History | Smithsonian
Do American Indians celebrate Thanksgiving? | Smithsonian Voices | National Museum of the American Indian | Smithsonian
Do American Indians celebrate Thanksgiving? | Smithsonian Voices | National Museum of the American Indian | Smithsonian
Thoughtful article written by a Native American that includes a succinct summary of the original event in the context of the time. This is a reading for teachers, and perhaps high school students
And while I agree that elementary-school children who celebrate the first Thanksgiving in their classrooms are too young to hear the truth, educators need to share Thanksgiving facts in all American schools sometime before high school graduation.
Do American Indians celebrate Thanksgiving? | Smithsonian Voices | National Museum of the American Indian | Smithsonian
Colonial Unit - Montgomery Schools Maryland
Colonial Unit - Montgomery Schools Maryland
5th grade curricular document can help Social Studies teacher approach the American Revolution with a focus on political change both within and outside the system. Useful graphic could be applied to this as well as other eras
Colonial Unit - Montgomery Schools Maryland
American Colonial Life in the Late 1700s: Distant Cousins | EDSITEment
American Colonial Life in the Late 1700s: Distant Cousins | EDSITEment
Students will become historical detectives and learn to gather information from artifacts and make inferences about the lives and times they represent. They will then use what they have learned to write historical fiction in the form of friendly letters between fictitious cousins in Massachusetts and Delaware.
American Colonial Life in the Late 1700s: Distant Cousins | EDSITEment
All About Explorers
All About Explorers
Show this site to students and see how long it take them to figure it out
All About Explorers
Colonel William Byrd on Slavery and Indented Se...
Colonel William Byrd on Slavery and Indented Se...
In this 1739 from a aristocratic slave owner to a Trustee of the colony of Georgia, teachers and students can look into the complexity of slavery in the 1730s. How can a plantation owner who profits from slavery complain about the system and wish that Britain would end slavery in the colonies? How can a slaveowner express such disgust for slave traders (who, he claims, would paint their wives and children's faces black if they could get away with selling them)? If you look close enough, you can see his prediction of John Brown's dream of a slave insurrection in the mountains.
Colonel William Byrd on Slavery and Indented Se...
American Indians in Children's Literature - Columbus Lesson
American Indians in Children's Literature - Columbus Lesson
Lesson plan that has students looking through several books on Columbus and comparing them. This is a solution to 3rd grade teachers trying to determine what to do with Columbus
American Indians in Children's Literature - Columbus Lesson
New York Slavery Records Index – Records of Enslaved Persons and Slave Holders in New York from 1525 though the Civil War
New York Slavery Records Index – Records of Enslaved Persons and Slave Holders in New York from 1525 though the Civil War
Search more than 35,000 records of slavery within the State of New York from 1525 through the Civil War. The data come from census records, slave trade transactions, cemetery records, birth certifications, manumissions, ship inventories, newspaper accounts, private narratives, legal documents and many other sources
New York Slavery Records Index – Records of Enslaved Persons and Slave Holders in New York from 1525 though the Civil War
Trans-Atlantic - Slave Ship in 3D Video
Trans-Atlantic - Slave Ship in 3D Video
4 minute narrated video describes in detail the design of an 18th century slave ship. The tour of the trip describes how the slave ship was built for the sole purpose of transporting enslaved Africans. The animation and description is based on a specific French boat.
Trans-Atlantic - Slave Ship in 3D Video
Pilgrims and Progress: How Magazines Made Thanksgiving
Pilgrims and Progress: How Magazines Made Thanksgiving
This academically rigorous article may be beyond even the highest functioning AP US History students. But all teachers will find this article aiming a question directly at their curriculum - Do you teach a myth as a cultural affirmation? The essay argues that "traveling home to turkey and all the trimmings was "invented", not in 17th century Massachusetts, but in 19th century Philadelphia in the pages of the nation's most widely circulated magazines and in respond to the changing American scene. Two hundred years after the Pilgrims' quit commemorations, Thanksgiving developed a uniform national profile, impelled by its promoters ideas about republican identity, ideas diffused by a publishing industry with increasingly national reach"
Pilgrims and Progress: How Magazines Made Thanksgiving
Fugitive Slaves laws (1619-1865) - Marion Gleason
Fugitive Slaves laws (1619-1865) - Marion Gleason
This is a compendium of colonial, state and federal fugitive slave laws. Available for research, or quick skimming to reveal the nature of slavery this resource shows how quickly runaway slave laws came to the colonies right after the Pilgrims. It also shows the overlapping of indentured servant law and slave law and how the system of slavery evolved over 250 years
Fugitive Slaves laws (1619-1865) - Marion Gleason
Farber Gravestone Collection
Farber Gravestone Collection

The Farber Gravestone Collection is an unusual resource documenting the sculpture on over 9,000 gravestones most of which were made prior to 1800. Many of the tombstones are from the 1600s. Why not do something different for your "day before Halloween" lesson this year and have students look through these primary source artifacts tell us something about some of the people who lived at that time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbhR1f_L_xE

Farber Gravestone Collection