Bloggies 2024

Bloggies 2024

Hendrik Biweekly
Hendrik Biweekly
Hi, I'm Hendrik ten Napel. I think about the rules and mechanics that make role-playing games tick and reflect on my own experiences playing those games. Every two weeks, I send out an email to share my thoughts.
Hendrik Biweekly
Blogstones | Substack
Blogstones | Substack
TTRPG writing and design team. Curates the Gnomestones Universe at Stay tuned for The Potato Game coming 2025. Click to read Blogstones, a Substack publication. Launched 2 months ago.
Blogstones | Substack
Fixing Moria: Metro System Megadungeon Design - Silverarm
Fixing Moria: Metro System Megadungeon Design - Silverarm
The megadungeon has a creative call to it, this grand and imposing space mapped out for adventure, a beckoning otherworld to explore. People dig superlatives, the biggest, the tallest, the most dangerous, the most powerful, the deepest. But the challenge of making something epic in scope can swamp even the most dedicated GM. It’s very […]
Fixing Moria: Metro System Megadungeon Design - Silverarm
EVERY Initiative Method??
EVERY Initiative Method??
Not really. But maybe, with your help, we actually can. Let's give this a shot. Every now and then I've seen a blog post attempting to cover...
EVERY Initiative Method??