Reviews '22

Reviews '22

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🥇 Enough Dweeb Adventures
🥇 Enough Dweeb Adventures
I have a hypothesis: Wizards of the Coast's 5E adventures are for fucking weenies. I know, it's a tall claim to make. Let's prove this throu...
🥇 Enough Dweeb Adventures
A Draconic Autopsy
A Draconic Autopsy
Histories of D&D and TSR have become thick on the ground. Representing the gold standard – in terms of completeness, standard of scholarship, and avoiding a slide into hagiography –…
A Draconic Autopsy
Review: The Gardens of Ynn & The Stygian Library
Review: The Gardens of Ynn & The Stygian Library
The Gardens of Ynn and The Stygian Library are a pair of depthcrawl mini-campaigns by Emmy “Cavegirl” Allen. It would probably be more accurate to describe them as THE depthcrawl mini-campaigns,
Review: The Gardens of Ynn & The Stygian Library
Non-licensed not!Tolkien games
Non-licensed not!Tolkien games
A small story When I was 12, I was introduced to RPGs. I said "Oh I will make one for Lord of the Rings." I went home and wrote it in a note...
Non-licensed not!Tolkien games
Demon Bone Sarcophagus: Some Thoughts
Demon Bone Sarcophagus: Some Thoughts
Devoted to speculative fiction on the page, the screen and the tabletop. Also featured: the OSR and its offshoots, history, literature, architecture.
Demon Bone Sarcophagus: Some Thoughts
Fun and Challenges
Fun and Challenges
One of the things at which the OSR excels is categorization and the creation of jargon to encapsulate these new categories. Though perhaps i...
Fun and Challenges