Histories of D&D and TSR have become thick on the ground. Representing the gold standard – in terms of completeness, standard of scholarship, and avoiding a slide into hagiography –…
The Gardens of Ynn and The Stygian Library are a pair of depthcrawl mini-campaigns by Emmy “Cavegirl” Allen. It would probably be more accurate to describe them as THE depthcrawl mini-campaigns,
This article is a review of the Mothership RPG, a review of Desert Moon of Karth, and a report on our 8-hour bachelor party adventure. Buckle up, space cowboy!
Review: The Elusive Shift: How Role-Playing Games Forged Their Identity
The book begins with “What is the thing that we call a role-playing game?” Jon Peterson doesn’t answer that question but he did document the first conversations of people attempti…
Western Wilds: an Expedition into the West Marches - The Indie Game Reading Club
Editor: Guest author Jason Lutes writes about his lengthy fantasy sandbox game and how he made it happen, West Marches style! I recently wrapped up a 40-session “sandbox” fantasy campaign, taking a cue from the “West Marches” approach popularized by Ben Robbins (of Microscope fame). According to a series of blog posts Ben wrote to… Continue reading Western Wilds: an Expedition into the West Marches →
Time, Gear & Skill: A Different Approach To Skill Checks
The following was written with Cairn in mind, but would work just as well for Into the Odd, Electric Bastionland and heck, D&D 5e if you’re doing a complete revamp. Performing actions inv…
A Web of Hooks: Quest Connections in a Sandbox Megadungeon Region - Silverarm
In order for a sandbox region to have a sense of verisimilitude it's important for it for many of the locations to be actually connected instead of a series of unrelated vignettes. This interconnection creates a web of hooks that pulls players from location to location and unites the patchwork quilt of locations into a unified whole.
Shipwright Thinking about CosmicOrrery’s post about diceless violence and the reference to this post about combat maneuvers. Skorne’s no to-hit rolls or even damage rolls is something I…