🏅 What Even Is a “Procedure”? — Prismatic Wasteland
So a game has “procedures” but what does that mean? This post presents a basic definition for an aspect of TTRPGs that is garnering more and more critical attention.
Down With The 6 Mile Hex! A Modest Proposal - Silverarm
Creators often live in the shadow of their own previous work, the big thing they're known for. Danial Radcliffe isn’t called the guy from Guns Akimbo or Swiss Army Man- he’s Harry Potter to the average person on the street. Steamtunnel at the Hydra’s Grotto can be counted among these shaded creators by their well known 2009 blog post “In Praise of the Six Mile Hex”. In it they laud the 6 mile hex scale as the most convenient for computing distances at the table.