Chili Lover's Meatloaf - This Is How I Cook
I’ve always dreamed of travelling the globe, living in other places, meeting lots of new faces, feasting all over, and serving food to all my new friends. Wouldn’t that be the life? Well, I’m not going to Bali, or to China or even Mexico or Hawaii, but I am becoming an ambassador. I’m livin’ the dream, baby! Don’t I wish? But really-I’ve been asked to do some giveaways and write one post a month for Whole Foods and I’m excited. They give me a few suggestions each month and I can write whatever I want. Like they think I wouldn’t? And the good news is that you-yeah, that means YOU-my faithful readers get to have fun, too! I have the pleasure of giving away three giveaways to anyone in the US. Sorry, that this isn’t a worldwide thing, but I would include you if I could! This is like their Halloween bag, but I think the pretzels and the bunny grahams would be great in someone’s lunch box. And my manservant has been eating the little pretzel bags as snacks. Personally, I’d immediately hide the peanut butter cups somewhere where no one can find them- like in your lingerie drawer- …