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Baby Reindeer’s Real-Life Martha Speaks Out: Richard Gadd Is “Obsessed With Me”
Baby Reindeer’s Real-Life Martha Speaks Out: Richard Gadd Is “Obsessed With Me”
In a bombshell Piers Morgan interview, Fiona Harvey refutes “defamatory” stalking allegations and threatens legal action against both Netflix and Gadd: “They have billed it as a true story; so has he. And it’s not.”
Baby Reindeer’s Real-Life Martha Speaks Out: Richard Gadd Is “Obsessed With Me”
Keeping it clean: Hollywood sex scenes decline by 40%
Keeping it clean: Hollywood sex scenes decline by 40%
Since the millennium, there is substantially less erotic content on our screens – with changing audience tastes and ‘intimacy coordinators’ to blame
Keeping it clean: Hollywood sex scenes decline by 40%
Download 9,200+ Free Films from the Prelinger Archives: Documentaries, Cartoons & More
Download 9,200+ Free Films from the Prelinger Archives: Documentaries, Cartoons & More
Depending on how you reckon it, the 'American century' has already ended, is now drawing to its close, or has some life left in it yet. But whatever its boundaries, that ambiguous period has been culturally defined by one medium above all: film, or more broadly speaking, motion pictures.
Download 9,200+ Free Films from the Prelinger Archives: Documentaries, Cartoons & More
Observations on Film Art - The Criterion Channel
Observations on Film Art - The Criterion Channel
Classics and discoveries from around the world, thematically programmed with special features, on a streaming service brought to you by the Criterion Collection.
Observations on Film Art - The Criterion Channel
Sins of Omission: an unforgettable history lesson with Killers of the Flower Moon author David Grann • Journal • A Letterboxd Magazine
Sins of Omission: an unforgettable history lesson with Killers of the Flower Moon author David Grann • Journal • A Letterboxd Magazine
As Killers of the Flower Moon heads to AppleTV+, author David Grann chats with Brian Formo about collaborating with Martin Scorsese and the Osage to help unearth hidden histories and continue the conversations spurred by the scrupulous film adaptation.
Sins of Omission: an unforgettable history lesson with Killers of the Flower Moon author David Grann • Journal • A Letterboxd Magazine
The 30 best films of 2023
The 30 best films of 2023
As we wave goodbye to another year at the movies, we reflect on the films that have stayed with us – from the plastic fantastic to tense courtroom dramas.
The 30 best films of 2023
Images w1400
Images w1400
French re-release grande for Jeanne Dielman, 23, Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (Chantal Akerman, Belgium, 1975). Design by Juliette Gou.
Images w1400
Why Barbenheimer won’t save cinema
Why Barbenheimer won’t save cinema
July’s blockbusters made box office records – but the industry’s crisis is only deepening.
Why Barbenheimer won’t save cinema
Roger's little rule book | Roger Ebert | Roger Ebert
Roger's little rule book | Roger Ebert | Roger Ebert
We critics can't be too careful. Employers are eager to replace us with Celeb Info-Nuggets that will pimp to the mouth-breathers, who underline the words with their index fingers whilst they watch television. Any editor who thinks drugged insta-stars and the tragic Amy Winehouse are headline news ought to be editing the graffiti on playground walls. As the senior newspaper guy still hanging onto a job, I think the task of outlining enduring ethical ground rules falls upon me.
Roger's little rule book | Roger Ebert | Roger Ebert