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All-Purpose Biscuits Recipe
All-Purpose Biscuits Recipe
Homemade biscuits are what take us into the kitchen today to cook: fat, flaky mounds of quick bread, golden brown, with a significant crumb Composed of flour, baking powder, fat and a liquid, then baked in a hot oven, they are an excellent sop for syrup, molasses or honey They are marvelous layered with country ham or smothered in white sausage gravy, with eggs, with grits
All-Purpose Biscuits Recipe
Light and Tender Cream Biscuits Recipe
Light and Tender Cream Biscuits Recipe
Short of a box mix, the cream biscuit is by far the simplest biscuit formula out there. Dry ingredients are whisked together and heavy cream is gently stirred in. That's it. In fact, the biscuit dough will probably be ready before your oven has fully preheated.
Light and Tender Cream Biscuits Recipe