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Building Your Management Machine
Building Your Management Machine
As a product leader, manage numerous tasks with strict routines to ensure smooth operations and effective management. Here is how to do it;
Building Your Management Machine
How did I bring UX into my Agile product team?
How did I bring UX into my Agile product team?
Disclaimer: This article has been sitting in my drafts for 4 years.. Wow! I completely forgot about it until I saw it today and immediately…
How did I bring UX into my Agile product team?
How to create your UX design principles
How to create your UX design principles
Harness your team’s creativity, foster alignment and improve the consistency of their work by creating some shared principles
How to create your UX design principles
The High Performer Bad Boss Problem
The High Performer Bad Boss Problem
Investigating the challenges and opportunities for high performers who don’t fit the mold.
The High Performer Bad Boss Problem
How to deal with bad managers: a guide for consultants
How to deal with bad managers: a guide for consultants
In this guide, I walk through the different kinds of “bad”, and give you strategies you can use to rescue the situation — or exit…
How to deal with bad managers: a guide for consultants
The Persona of a Great Design Leader
The Persona of a Great Design Leader
Explore the qualities of a great design leader and get tips on becoming one. Transofrm your career and get leadership qualities today.
The Persona of a Great Design Leader
What is Design Leadership?
What is Design Leadership?
I have been spending a lot of time thinking about what it means to be a Design Leader in the context of today and the state of design in our world, our markets, and our lives. As a result of my ongoing job search, I began looking into how I might become a more effective leader and how one attempts t
What is Design Leadership?
What To Do If Your UX Team Is Under-Resourced
What To Do If Your UX Team Is Under-Resourced
If you are in an under-resourced UX team it might be time to redefine your role from implementor to educator.
What To Do If Your UX Team Is Under-Resourced
Everything’s breaking everywhere all at once
Everything’s breaking everywhere all at once
Something went wrong somewhere. You didn’t manifest this in a single one of your daily pages. You’re tired of fixing, and just want to…
Everything’s breaking everywhere all at once
Why you need a "WTF Notebook"
Why you need a "WTF Notebook"
There's a very specific reputation I want to have on a team: "Nat helps me solve my problems. Nat get things I care about done."
Why you need a "WTF Notebook"
You’re Not Managing Enough
You’re Not Managing Enough
Management is an active sport. Hands off is bad, micro-management is worse. Here’s how to manage without over-managing.
You’re Not Managing Enough
Planning is procrastination, just do the thing
Planning is procrastination, just do the thing
Planning is a useful tool but it can become an excuse to delay execution. You don’t need a detailed plan, what you need is to get to work.
Planning is procrastination, just do the thing
On design leadership…
On design leadership…
Some salient thoughts on running a design team
On design leadership…
Most design leaders suck
Most design leaders suck
Last week for international womans day I came across a video where this woman was talking about all the great woman leaders she’s been…
Most design leaders suck
10 ways to enable your whole team to shine
10 ways to enable your whole team to shine
Zalando’s product design community shares insights embracing the introversion-extroversion spectrum to bring out the best in your team.
10 ways to enable your whole team to shine
You're Only As Good As Your Worst Day
You're Only As Good As Your Worst Day
Across the board, we tend to measure performance by what happens when things are going well. Yet how people, organizations, companies, leaders, and other things do on their best day isn’t all that instructive. To find the truth, we need to look at what happens on the worst day.
You're Only As Good As Your Worst Day
The pyramid of Lencioni and embracing the dark side of leadership
The pyramid of Lencioni and embracing the dark side of leadership
Last week, I discovered the pyramid of Lencioni. Apparently I was late to the game because when I shared this discovery with some people, they already knew. Better late than never. When the student…
The pyramid of Lencioni and embracing the dark side of leadership
The Nuances of Enterprise UX Design
The Nuances of Enterprise UX Design
An 11-part series exploring the various aspects and intricacies of UX design for enterprise software.
The Nuances of Enterprise UX Design