Across the board, we tend to measure performance by what happens when things are going well. Yet how people, organizations, companies, leaders, and other things do on their best day isn’t all that instructive. To find the truth, we need to look at what happens on the worst day.
The pyramid of Lencioni and embracing the dark side of leadership
Last week, I discovered the pyramid of Lencioni. Apparently I was late to the game because when I shared this discovery with some people, they already knew. Better late than never. When the student…
After a year and a half as a manager at my current company, I’ve decided to write down my insights to help those interested in leading teams. The list includes reflections and advice — take what…
3 Learnings from Jony Ive, Renowned Product Designer
Famous for his Design role at Apple, Jony Ive stands as a product design luminary whose influence has left an indelible mark on the tech and innovation landscape.