The Physics of Relationships: Going Positive and Going FirstIsaac Newton's third law states that "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." This simple principle is stable in high schools.··Oct 1, 2023The Physics of Relationships: Going Positive and Going First
Work Has Changed. Here's What We Might Do About It |A new study highlights three forces shaping the future of work, and what sets the best teams apart from the chaos.··Sep 26, 2023Work Has Changed. Here's What We Might Do About It |
How Shopify’s anti-meeting, anti-mandatory-office experiment is goingNine months after Shopify dramatically reduced its meeting count, we see what they’ve learned.··Sep 25, 2023How Shopify’s anti-meeting, anti-mandatory-office experiment is going
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7 lessons learned in my painful transition from IC to managerI never wanted to be a manager, and after 8 years, I’ve gained insights I would have liked to know before diving into the role.··Sep 25, 20237 lessons learned in my painful transition from IC to manager
‘Psychological safety’ and embracing discomfortA model for fostering productive discord, not avoiding conflict··Sep 20, 2023‘Psychological safety’ and embracing discomfort
So Passionate You Never Stop ImprovingThe Secret Behind the Success Of Asimov, Jobs, Seinfeld, Oprah, Buffett, Newton, And All The Greats. The top performers in the history of art, science, entrepreneurship, and leadership all swear by the power of Infinite Devotion.··Sep 20, 2023So Passionate You Never Stop Improving
How I Work: Cathie Urushibata, Creative Director of Shake Shack10 insights, methods, and quirks.··Sep 19, 2023How I Work: Cathie Urushibata, Creative Director of Shake Shack
How to Not Be a Bad Design ManagerA Masterclass in what to do and not to do by Nate Schloesser··Sep 15, 2023How to Not Be a Bad Design Manager