Social Movements & the Law

"#law firm"
Her story book 2 : the resilient woman lawyer's guide to conquering obstacles - Teresa M. Beck, Alicia M. Menendez, and Shayna M. Steinfeld, editors.
Her story book 2 : the resilient woman lawyer's guide to conquering obstacles - Teresa M. Beck, Alicia M. Menendez, and Shayna M. Steinfeld, editors.
"This book is a collection of voices that persist in a profession that still lags behind in hearing them. We share these stories because the profession is enriched by the stories and the lawyers who tell them. This book is a form of virtual mentoring to build up the next generation of woman advocates so that they, too, may add their stories. In this book, we provide information about the status of women in the legal profession, and stories about identifying and overcoming bias and the hidden hazards in the practice of law, for men and women, while addressing the business of law. The stories in this book then go on to explain the value of being true to ourselves, establishing unique career paths, and finding guideposts and beacons to help enlighten us along the way to success"--
Her story book 2 : the resilient woman lawyer's guide to conquering obstacles - Teresa M. Beck, Alicia M. Menendez, and Shayna M. Steinfeld, editors.
Homeless advocacy - Laura Riley
Homeless advocacy - Laura Riley
"Homeless Advocacy examines the role legal advocacy plays in preventing and ending homelessness. The book provides a history of homelessness, the current state of it in the United States, context on working with unhoused populations, and analyzes the legal issues they face through a practitioner's lens. With these topics, ranging from criminalization of homelessness to employment barriers and affordable housing, the author provides a resource that will encourage and enable more people to advocate on behalf of unhoused populations and will serve as a guidepost to advance that advocacy. There are many books on poverty, but this book is different and complementary as it focuses on the unhoused population and the legal challenges unique to them. It is aimed at law students, policy, and social work students at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and individual activists. It includes narratives from practitioners and those with lived experience of being unhoused"--
Homeless advocacy - Laura Riley
Black ceiling : how race still matters in the elite workplace - Kevin Woodson
Black ceiling : how race still matters in the elite workplace - Kevin Woodson
A revelatory assessment of workplace inequality in high-status jobs that focuses on a new explanation for a pernicious problem: racial discomfort. America's elite law firms, investment banks, and management consulting firms are known for grueling hours, low odds of promotion, and personnel practices that push out any employees who don't advance. While most people who begin their careers in these institutions leave within several years, work there is especially difficult for Black professionals, who exit more quickly and receive far fewer promotions than their White counterparts, hitting a "Black ceiling." Sociologist and law professor Kevin Woodson knows firsthand what life at a top law firm feels like as a Black man. Examining the experiences of more than one hundred Black professionals at prestigious firms, Woodson discovers that their biggest obstacle in the workplace isn't explicit bias but racial discomfort, or the unease Black employees feel in workplaces that are steeped in Whiteness. He identifies two types of racial discomfort: social alienation, the isolation stemming from the cultural exclusion Black professionals experience in White spaces, and stigma anxiety, the trepidation they feel over the risk of discriminatory treatment. While racial discomfort is caused by America's segregated social structures, it can exist even in the absence of racial discrimination, which highlights the inadequacy of the unconscious bias training now prevalent in corporate workplaces. Firms must do more than prevent discrimination, Woodson explains, outlining the steps that firms and Black professionals can take to ease racial discomfort. Offering a new perspective on a pressing social issue, The Black Ceiling is a vital resource for leaders at preeminent firms, Black professionals and students, managers within mostly White organizations, and anyone committed to cultivating diverse workplaces.
Black ceiling : how race still matters in the elite workplace - Kevin Woodson
Disability, Diversity, and Empathy in the Legal Profession - Slaw
Disability, Diversity, and Empathy in the Legal Profession - Slaw
“We are already working with more people with disabilities than we think,” says Ben Lumicao, an in-house counsel in Chicago with a visible disability (cerebral palsy). More than a quarter of Americans have a disability of some kind, but only 30% of those fall into the “visible” spectrum Lumicao describes. That’s an arresting thought for […]
Disability, Diversity, and Empathy in the Legal Profession - Slaw
Left Out and Behind: The Hurdles Hassles and Heartaches of Achieving Long-Term Legal Careers for Women of Color - By Destiny Peery Paulette Brown and Eileen Letts
Left Out and Behind: The Hurdles Hassles and Heartaches of Achieving Long-Term Legal Careers for Women of Color - By Destiny Peery Paulette Brown and Eileen Letts
"Frequently when women's issues are discussed researched and/or analyzed they do not always take into account additional and separate issues that may be faced by women of color. When it was learned that then-ABA president Hilarie Bass would have as one of her primary initiatives a study and research based on the long-term careers of women in law it occurred to us that the experiences of women of color could be different. After all we could within minutes identify approximately 90 percent of the women of color practicing in firms more than 30 years. This is not a good thing."
Left Out and Behind: The Hurdles Hassles and Heartaches of Achieving Long-Term Legal Careers for Women of Color - By Destiny Peery Paulette Brown and Eileen Letts
Major Law Firms and Advocacy Groups Unite to Combat Anti-Asian Violence - Lisa Boylan
Major Law Firms and Advocacy Groups Unite to Combat Anti-Asian Violence - Lisa Boylan
"A new alliance will connect victims of anti-Asian hate with pro bono legal services and work to prevent further acts of violence. The effort shows the importance of clear goals and strong networking in addressing social problems."
Major Law Firms and Advocacy Groups Unite to Combat Anti-Asian Violence - Lisa Boylan