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ALA statement on White House assault on the Institute of Museum and Library Services | ALA
ALA statement on White House assault on the Institute of Museum and Library Services | ALA
An executive order issued by the Trump administration on Friday night, March 14, calls for the elimination of the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the nation’s only federal agency for America’s libraries.
ALA statement on White House assault on the Institute of Museum and Library Services | ALA
ALA Launches ‘Show Up for Our Libraries’ Campaign - Public Libraries Online
ALA Launches ‘Show Up for Our Libraries’ Campaign - Public Libraries Online
We must face whatever threats come our way by showing up together—library workers and public supporters in our communities—to advocate for our patrons, our profession, and our core values.
ALA Launches ‘Show Up for Our Libraries’ Campaign - Public Libraries Online
Report of the Prejudicial Materials Working Group - RBMS Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Group, June 2024
Report of the Prejudicial Materials Working Group - RBMS Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Group, June 2024
The Prejudicial Materials Working Group (PMWG) of the RBMS Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Group (CVEG) was convened in the summer of 2020 to review, revise, and generate new terminology in the RBMS Controlled Vocabulary for Rare Materials Cataloging (RBMS CVRMC) that would be useful for indexing works that are prejudicial in nature, or that are the byproduct of prejudicial and hateful systems and ideologies. This work included review and revision of scope notes and relationships between terms.
Report of the Prejudicial Materials Working Group - RBMS Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Group, June 2024
ALA to U. S. Department of Education: Book bans are real | ALA
ALA to U. S. Department of Education: Book bans are real | ALA
The American Library Association responds to the Department of Education's dismissal of complaints about censorship and discrimination: the "effort to terminate protections... advances the demonstrably false claim that book bans are not real."
ALA to U. S. Department of Education: Book bans are real | ALA
Sample Reconsideration Form | ALA
Sample Reconsideration Form | ALA
Every library — academic, public, and school (public, private, charter, independent, and international) — should have a comprehensive written policy that guides the selection, deselection or weeding, and reconsideration of library resources. The most valuable selection policy is current; it is reviewed and revised on a regular basis; and it is familiar to all members of a library’s staff. The policy should be approved by the library’s governing board or other policy-making body and disseminated widely for understanding by all stakeholders.
Sample Reconsideration Form | ALA
Democratic state lawmakers back bills protecting individual freedom to read and think • Rhode Island Current
Democratic state lawmakers back bills protecting individual freedom to read and think • Rhode Island Current
Democrat Rhode Island lawmakers on Wednesday promoted a suite of bills motivated by the Freedom to Read movement — an assertion of libraries’ right to hold controversial books, amid an ongoing culture clash over the written word.
Democratic state lawmakers back bills protecting individual freedom to read and think • Rhode Island Current
Beyond Book Banning: Efforts to Criminally Charge Librarians
Beyond Book Banning: Efforts to Criminally Charge Librarians
Both the Indiana and Iowa State Legislatures have introduced legislation regarding criminally charging libraries and librarians over “inappropriate” material. These bills are closely related to widespread book challenges occurring at schools and public libraries across the nation, with people trying to remove books that address certain topics relating to gender, sexuality, and race from library collections. In many cases there is already a clear process for reconsidering materials in a collection, so how do legal defenses play a role in this and what do the bills change?
Beyond Book Banning: Efforts to Criminally Charge Librarians
ALA and Sustainable Libraries Initiative Release National Climate Action Strategy | Sustainability
ALA and Sustainable Libraries Initiative Release National Climate Action Strategy | Sustainability
The American Library Association and the Sustainable Libraries Initiative have announced the new National Climate Action Strategy for Libraries and created an implementation guide to help libraries incorporate climate action locally into strategic and facility plans.
ALA and Sustainable Libraries Initiative Release National Climate Action Strategy | Sustainability
Book Ban Data | Banned Books
Book Ban Data | Banned Books
The American Library Association's Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) has released new data documenting book challenges throughout the United States, finding that challenges were nearly double that of 2021, reaching the highest number of attempted book bans since ALA began compiling data about censorship in libraries more than 20 years ago.
Book Ban Data | Banned Books
Women in Librarianship Webinar Recording Available
Women in Librarianship Webinar Recording Available
On the IFLA-L email list, Loida Garcia-Febo, chair of the IFLA Management of Library Associations, shared a link to the recording of a free webinar she moderated in March titled Bridging the Gap: In Support of Women in Librarianship—A Conversation With ALA Presidents.
Women in Librarianship Webinar Recording Available
Book Ban Data
Book Ban Data
The American Library Association's Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) has released new data documenting book challenges throughout the United States, finding that challenges of unique titles surged 65% in 2023 compared to 2022 numbers, reaching the highest level ever documented by ALA. Read the full announcement. OIF documented 4,240 unique book titles targeted for censorship, more than the previous two years combined (2,571 in 2022; 1,651 in 2021), as well as 1,247 demands to censor library books, materials, and resources in 2023.
Book Ban Data
American Library Association to Distribute $1 Million to Support Fight Against Censorship
American Library Association to Distribute $1 Million to Support Fight Against Censorship
Funding will expand ALA’s intellectual freedom initiatives amid record number of book challenges CHICAGO (June 22, 2023) — The American Library Association (ALA) will distribute $1 million to support and expand intellectual freedom initiatives as the nation grapples with rising censorship challenges and seeks a greater array of resources to protect the right to read. ALA will use the funds to provide a major boost for its current efforts to support its members, library workers and libraries everywhere, as well as the communities they serve.
American Library Association to Distribute $1 Million to Support Fight Against Censorship
American Library Association Welcomes White House Actions to Address Book Bans
American Library Association Welcomes White House Actions to Address Book Bans
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The American Library Association (ALA) applauds the Biden-Harris Administration’s steps announced today to address the rise in book bans and other attacks on LGBTQIA+ Americans. In a fact sheet released today, the White House announced that the Department of Education will appoint a new coordinator to address the growing threat that book bans pose for the civil rights of students, among other steps to protect the rights of LGBTQIA+ Americans.
American Library Association Welcomes White House Actions to Address Book Bans