Found 11 bookmarks
Cutting 'race and ethnicity' from ABA's law school diversity rules goes too far, critics say
Cutting 'race and ethnicity' from ABA's law school diversity rules goes too far, critics say
Eliminating the terms “race and ethnicity” from the American Bar Association’s law school accreditation rules will hobble longstanding efforts to bring in diverse students and faculty, critics warned in public comments on the proposal.
Cutting 'race and ethnicity' from ABA's law school diversity rules goes too far, critics say
Between the Lines: What Is Missing in the Diversity in Publishing Discourse
Between the Lines: What Is Missing in the Diversity in Publishing Discourse
On Saturdays in late ’90s, my father, a taxi driver, would pool his tips for the week and take me, a child too precocious for his own good, to a local bookstore in search of my next read. Together,…
Between the Lines: What Is Missing in the Diversity in Publishing Discourse
"Are you calling me a racist?" : why we need to stop talking about race and start making real antiracist change Sarita Srivastava
"Are you calling me a racist?" : why we need to stop talking about race and start making real antiracist change Sarita Srivastava
Antiracism workshops and diversity policies have long been the response to racial tensions and incidents in corporations, schools, and nonprofit organizations. There is little evidence, however, that they create employment equity, reduce racial prejudice, or increase cross-cultural sensitivity. Sociologist Sarita Srivastava argues they often create more division and acrimony than progress. "Are You Calling Me a Racist?" reveals why these efforts have failed to effectively challenge racism and offers a new way forward. Drawing from her own experience as an educator and activist, as well as extensive interviews and analyses of contemporary events, Srivastava shows that racial encounters among well-meaning people are ironically hindered by the emotional investment they have in being seen as good people. Diversity workshops devote energy to defending, recuperating, educating, and inwardly reflecting, with limited results, and these exercises often make things worse. These "feel-good politics of race," Srivastava explains, train our focus on the therapeutic and educational, rather than on concrete practices that could move us toward true racial equity. In this type of approach to diversity training, people are more concerned about being called a racist than they are about changing racist behavior. "Are You Calling Me a Racist?" is a much-needed challenge to the status quo of diversity training, and will serve as a valuable resource for anyone dedicated to dismantling racism in their communities, educational institutions, public or private organizations, and social movements
"Are you calling me a racist?" : why we need to stop talking about race and start making real antiracist change Sarita Srivastava
School Library Resources - American Indian Library Association
School Library Resources - American Indian Library Association
School Library Resources American Library Association Office for Diversity Inclusive Booklists, These booklists highlight diverse voices including racial diversity and sexuality and can be used in the classroom and when ordering collections. There are many booklists in the world that are categorized by topic, but these booklists ensure that underrepresented voices are being heard as … Continued
School Library Resources - American Indian Library Association
Inclusive Booklists - ALA
Inclusive Booklists - ALA
These booklists highlight diverse voices including racial diversity and gender identity and can be used in the classroom and when ordering collections. There are many booklists in the world that are categorized by topic, but these booklists ensure that underrepresented voices are being heard as well.These booklists highlight diverse voices including racial diversity and sexuality and can be used in the classroom and when ordering collections. There are many booklists in the world that are categorized by topic, but these booklists ensure that underrepresented voices are being heard as well.
Inclusive Booklists - ALA
What's CODE SWITCH? It's the fearless conversations about race that you've been waiting for. Hosted by journalists of color, our podcast tackles the subject of race with empathy and humor. We explore how race affects every part of society — from politics and pop culture to history, food and everything in between. This podcast makes all of us part of the conversation — because we're all part of the story. Code Switch was named Apple Podcasts' first-ever Show of the Year in 2020.
Left Out and Behind: The Hurdles Hassles and Heartaches of Achieving Long-Term Legal Careers for Women of Color - By Destiny Peery Paulette Brown and Eileen Letts
Left Out and Behind: The Hurdles Hassles and Heartaches of Achieving Long-Term Legal Careers for Women of Color - By Destiny Peery Paulette Brown and Eileen Letts
"Frequently when women's issues are discussed researched and/or analyzed they do not always take into account additional and separate issues that may be faced by women of color. When it was learned that then-ABA president Hilarie Bass would have as one of her primary initiatives a study and research based on the long-term careers of women in law it occurred to us that the experiences of women of color could be different. After all we could within minutes identify approximately 90 percent of the women of color practicing in firms more than 30 years. This is not a good thing."
Left Out and Behind: The Hurdles Hassles and Heartaches of Achieving Long-Term Legal Careers for Women of Color - By Destiny Peery Paulette Brown and Eileen Letts
Is There A Place for Race As a Legal Concept - Sharona Hoffman
Is There A Place for Race As a Legal Concept - Sharona Hoffman
"This article argues that "race" is an unnecessary and potentially pernicious concept. As evidenced by the history of slavery segregation the Holocaust and other human tragedies the idea of "race" can perpetuate prejudices and misconceptions and serve as justification for systematic persecution. "Race" suggests that human beings can be divided into subspecies some of which are morally and intellectually inferior to others. The law has important symbolic and expressive value and is often efficacious as a force that shapes public ideology. Consequently it must undermine the notion that "race" is a legitimate mechanism by which to categorize human beings. Furthermore the focus on rigid "racial" classifications obfuscates political discussion concerning affirmative action scientific research and social inequities. When we speak of "racial" diversity discrimination or inequality it is unclear whether we are referring to color socioeconomic status continent of origin or some other factor. Because the term "race" subsumes so many different ideas in people's minds it is not a useful platform for social discourse."
Is There A Place for Race As a Legal Concept - Sharona Hoffman