Found 124 bookmarks
White Like Me: The Negative Impact of the Diversity Rationale on White Identity Formation - Osamudia R. James
White Like Me: The Negative Impact of the Diversity Rationale on White Identity Formation - Osamudia R. James
"In several cases addressing the constitutionality of affirmative action admissions policies the Supreme Court has recognized a compelling state interest in schools with diverse student populations. According to the Court and affirmative action proponents the pursuit of diversity does not only benefit minority students who gain expanded access to elite institutions through affirmative action. Rather diversity also benefits white students who grow through encounters with minority students it contributes to social and intellectual life on campus and it serves society at large by aiding the development of citizens equipped for employment and citizen-ship in an increasingly diverse country."
White Like Me: The Negative Impact of the Diversity Rationale on White Identity Formation - Osamudia R. James
Breathe Act - Electoral Justice Project of the Movement for Black Lives
Breathe Act - Electoral Justice Project of the Movement for Black Lives
"We are rising up against all the ways that the criminal-legal system has harmed and failed to protect Black communities. The current moment requires a solution that fundamentally shifts how we envision community-care and invest in our society. History is clear that we cannot achieve genuine safety and liberation until we abandon police prisons and all punishment paradigms."
Breathe Act - Electoral Justice Project of the Movement for Black Lives
Supreme Court Declines to Hear Case Involving Racial Slur in Workplace - Melissa Quinn
Supreme Court Declines to Hear Case Involving Racial Slur in Workplace - Melissa Quinn
"The Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a legal battle involving one of the most offensive words in the English language spurning a case raising whether its utterance in the workplace even one time creates a hostile work environment."
Supreme Court Declines to Hear Case Involving Racial Slur in Workplace - Melissa Quinn
Rep. Bush Calls Trump a 'White Supremacist President' on House Floor - Aris Folley
Rep. Bush Calls Trump a 'White Supremacist President' on House Floor - Aris Folley
"Newly sworn-in Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) referred to President Trump as the 'white supremacist in chief' in her remarks on the House floor on Wednesday as the lower chamber prepares to impeach the president for a second time."
Rep. Bush Calls Trump a 'White Supremacist President' on House Floor - Aris Folley
Second Prosecutor Resigns from Trump's Police Commission - Sarah N. Lynch
Second Prosecutor Resigns from Trump's Police Commission - Sarah N. Lynch
"A second local prosecutor on Thursday asked the U.S. Justice Department to have his name removed from a controversial report on policing reforms saying he feared it would fail to address systemic racism in the criminal justice system."
Second Prosecutor Resigns from Trump's Police Commission - Sarah N. Lynch
Chamber of Commerce Pushes Back on Trump Extending Ban on Racial Discrimination Training - Alex Gangitano
Chamber of Commerce Pushes Back on Trump Extending Ban on Racial Discrimination Training - Alex Gangitano
"The U.S. Chamber of Commerce urged President Trump to withdraw his executive order that extended his administration's ban on race- and sex-based discrimination training to include federal contractors."
Chamber of Commerce Pushes Back on Trump Extending Ban on Racial Discrimination Training - Alex Gangitano
Biden Proclaims Day of Remembrance on 100th Anniversary of Tulsa Race Massacre - Kate Sullivan
Biden Proclaims Day of Remembrance on 100th Anniversary of Tulsa Race Massacre - Kate Sullivan
"President Joe Biden on Monday issued a proclamation to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre when hundreds of Black Americans were killed by a White mob that attacked a prosperous Black neighborhood and burned dozens of city blocks to the ground."
Biden Proclaims Day of Remembrance on 100th Anniversary of Tulsa Race Massacre - Kate Sullivan
The Year in Hate and Extremism 2020 - Rachel Janik and Keegan Hankes
The Year in Hate and Extremism 2020 - Rachel Janik and Keegan Hankes
"Trump refused to condemn the insurrection which left five people dead including a Capitol law enforcement officer. He even praised the rioters calling them "patriots" saying "we love you" and "you are very special." The episode was reminiscent of his notorious declaration that there were "very fine people on both sides" in the aftermath of the violence at the deadly 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville Virginia."
The Year in Hate and Extremism 2020 - Rachel Janik and Keegan Hankes
Race Racism and the Law - Vernellia R. Randall University of Dayton School of Law
Race Racism and the Law - Vernellia R. Randall University of Dayton School of Law
"Race Racism And The Law considers race racism and racial distinctions in the law. It examines the role of domestic and international law in promoting and/or alleviating racism. This website makes law review scholarship (and related material) more accessible to community activists students and non-legal faculty."
Race Racism and the Law - Vernellia R. Randall University of Dayton School of Law
As a Black Female Law Professor I'm Nurturing a System That Doesn't Protect People Like Me - Tiffany Jeffers
As a Black Female Law Professor I'm Nurturing a System That Doesn't Protect People Like Me - Tiffany Jeffers
"The trope of the strong Black woman is not only false it's dangerous. Black women more than anyone need to practice self-care."
As a Black Female Law Professor I'm Nurturing a System That Doesn't Protect People Like Me - Tiffany Jeffers
Henrietta Lacks' Family Hires Ben Crump for Legal Battle - Free Press/NPR
Henrietta Lacks' Family Hires Ben Crump for Legal Battle - Free Press/NPR
"The family of the late Henrietta Lacks who unwittingly spurred a research bonanza when her cancer cells were taken without her knowledge in 1951 has hired a prominent civil rights lawyer to seek compensation from pharmaceutical companies."
Henrietta Lacks' Family Hires Ben Crump for Legal Battle - Free Press/NPR
Major Law Firms and Advocacy Groups Unite to Combat Anti-Asian Violence - Lisa Boylan
Major Law Firms and Advocacy Groups Unite to Combat Anti-Asian Violence - Lisa Boylan
"A new alliance will connect victims of anti-Asian hate with pro bono legal services and work to prevent further acts of violence. The effort shows the importance of clear goals and strong networking in addressing social problems."
Major Law Firms and Advocacy Groups Unite to Combat Anti-Asian Violence - Lisa Boylan
Officers And Paramedics Are Charged In Elijah McClain's 2019 Death In Colorado - Associated Press
Officers And Paramedics Are Charged In Elijah McClain's 2019 Death In Colorado - Associated Press
"Colorado's attorney general said Wednesday that a grand jury indicted three officers and two paramedics in the death of Elijah McClain a Black man who was put in a chokehold and injected with a powerful sedative two years ago in suburban Denver."
Officers And Paramedics Are Charged In Elijah McClain's 2019 Death In Colorado - Associated Press
Suspect in Manhattan Attack on Asian Woman Charged With Assault as a Hate crime - Peter Szekely Gabriella Borter
Suspect in Manhattan Attack on Asian Woman Charged With Assault as a Hate crime - Peter Szekely Gabriella Borter
"A New York man previously convicted of murdering his mother has been arrested and charged with assaulting a 65-year-old Asian woman in a hate crime an attack captured on a video that went viral amid a rise in anti-Asian incidents in the United States."
Suspect in Manhattan Attack on Asian Woman Charged With Assault as a Hate crime - Peter Szekely Gabriella Borter
New York State Bar Forms Task Force to Address Racism and Social Inequality - Eduardo Munoz
New York State Bar Forms Task Force to Address Racism and Social Inequality - Eduardo Munoz
"The New York State Bar Association is launching a task force focused on examining and addressing structural racism and other types of prejudice as part of its latest effort to resolve broader national social problems."
New York State Bar Forms Task Force to Address Racism and Social Inequality - Eduardo Munoz
4 Ex-Cops Indicted on US Civil Rights Charges in Floyd Death - Amy Forliti and Michael Balsamo
4 Ex-Cops Indicted on US Civil Rights Charges in Floyd Death - Amy Forliti and Michael Balsamo
"A federal grand jury has indicted the four former Minneapolis police officers involved in George Floyd's arrest and death accusing them of willfully violating the Black man's constitutional rights as he was restrained face-down on the pavement and gasping for air."
4 Ex-Cops Indicted on US Civil Rights Charges in Floyd Death - Amy Forliti and Michael Balsamo
ABA Joins with Dozens of Law Schools to Address Issues in Police Practices - Patricia Lee Refo
ABA Joins with Dozens of Law Schools to Address Issues in Police Practices - Patricia Lee Refo
"America was founded on the principle that all men are created equal. Throughout our history we have not always lived up to that self-evident truth. This has been especially true in our criminal justice system."
ABA Joins with Dozens of Law Schools to Address Issues in Police Practices - Patricia Lee Refo
Americans are Divided by Age and Race on the Fairness of the Justice System ABA Civics Survey Finds - Amanda Robert
Americans are Divided by Age and Race on the Fairness of the Justice System ABA Civics Survey Finds - Amanda Robert
"A new survey released by the ABA on Thursday found stark divisions based on age and race when it comes to believing that there are racial biases built into the rules procedures and practices of the justice system."
Americans are Divided by Age and Race on the Fairness of the Justice System ABA Civics Survey Finds - Amanda Robert
Exclusionary and classist: Why the legal profession is getting whiter - Hassan Kanu
Exclusionary and classist: Why the legal profession is getting whiter - Hassan Kanu
"A recent American Bar Association study found that the legal profession in America has remained overwhelmingly white and male over the last decade and that racial diversity among lawyers has actually regressed in some respects"
Exclusionary and classist: Why the legal profession is getting whiter - Hassan Kanu
FBI Releases 2020 Hate Crime Statistics -
FBI Releases 2020 Hate Crime Statistics -
"Today the FBI released Hate Crime Statistics 2020 the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program's latest compilation about bias-motivated incidents throughout the nation. The 2020 data submitted by 15136 law enforcement agencies provide information about the offenses victims offenders and locations of hate crimes."
FBI Releases 2020 Hate Crime Statistics -
Resolution of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Condemning Violence Harassment and Bias Against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States - U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Resolution of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Condemning Violence Harassment and Bias Against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States - U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Resolution of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Condemning Violence Harassment and Bias Against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States - U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Three Georgia Men Charged with Federal Hate Crimes and Attempted Kidnapping in Connection with the Death of Ahmaud Arbery - United States Department of Justice
Three Georgia Men Charged with Federal Hate Crimes and Attempted Kidnapping in Connection with the Death of Ahmaud Arbery - United States Department of Justice
"Three Georgia men were indicted today by a federal grand jury in the Southern District of Georgia and charged with hate crimes and the attempted kidnapping of Ahmaud Arbery. The indictment also charges two of the men with separate counts of using firearms during that crime of violence."
Three Georgia Men Charged with Federal Hate Crimes and Attempted Kidnapping in Connection with the Death of Ahmaud Arbery - United States Department of Justice
This List Of Books Films And Podcasts About Racism Is A Start Not A Panacea - Code Switch
This List Of Books Films And Podcasts About Racism Is A Start Not A Panacea - Code Switch
"To help people be better allies lists of antiracist books films and podcasts are being published in droves. There's never a bad time to learn but such a list can become erroneously prescriptive a balm to centuries-old lacerations that cut deeper than the individual reader. As Lauren Michele Jackson wrote for Vulture "The word [anti-racism] and its nominal equivalent "anti-racist" suggests something of a vanity project where the goal is no longer to learn more about race power and capital but to spring closer to the enlightened order of the antiracist." So with that in mind we've compiled a list of books films and podcasts about systemic racism acknowledging that they are just books films and podcasts. You'll find research on how racism permeates everything from the criminal justice system to health care. We hope you spend some time with these resources (and that you listen to Code Switch — here's a list of episodes to get you started). Information is power — you decide what you do with it."
This List Of Books Films And Podcasts About Racism Is A Start Not A Panacea - Code Switch
Six books Reveal the Dreams of America's Black Forefathers and Foremothers - Matt Gifford
Six books Reveal the Dreams of America's Black Forefathers and Foremothers - Matt Gifford
"Our national conversation about anti-Black racism made 2020 a pivotal year - painful for many cathartic for others memorable to all. Now a new year brings new opportunities to listen to Black voices and stories. Pick up one of these titles to deepen your knowledge of our country's past and join the chorus of voices advocating for a better future."
Six books Reveal the Dreams of America's Black Forefathers and Foremothers - Matt Gifford