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The Florence Project
The Florence Project
When we work together, freedom cannot be detained. When we work together, freedom cannot be detained. We have returned to in-person services, with some aspects of our work remaining virtual. Please call (520) 777-5600 or click below for more information. More Info Donate
The Florence Project
Immigration Law -
Immigration Law -
Immigration law refers to the rules established by the federal government for determining who is allowed to enter the country, and for how long.
Immigration Law -
National Immigrant Justice Center
National Immigrant Justice Center
Indiana and Chicago immigration lawyers provide legal aid for immigrants and asylum seekers, fight for fair immigration reform and an end to inhumane immigration detention.
National Immigrant Justice Center
National Immigration Law Center
National Immigration Law Center
Established in 1979, the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) is one of the leading organizations in the U.S. exclusively dedicated to defending and advancing the rights of immigrants with low income. At NILC, we believe that all people who live in the U.S. should have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. Over the years, we’ve been at the forefront of many of the country’s greatest challenges when it comes to immigration issues, and we play a major leadership role in addressing the real-life impact of policies that affect the ability of low-income immigrants to prosper and thrive. In April 2019, NILC finalized a new strategic framework, which will govern our work over the next five years. This framework represents a shift in our strategy orientation in recognition of the fact that legal and policy strategies alone are not enough to achieve the long-term transformational change we believe the times require. We will continue to use our litigation and policy expertise to challenge unjust laws and policies that marginalize low-income and other vulnerable immigrant communities and advance systemic policy solutions that make it possible for immigrants and their loved ones to thrive. But we are now also focusing on building a stronger, more inclusive immigrant justice movement and fostering intersectional alliances with other communities in order to amass the political power necessary to hold decisionmakers accountable for making policy changes real and lasting. And we will also engage in narrative and culture change to shift public debate toward the notion that—no matter where a person is born or how much money they have—everyone has a stake and constructive role to play in shaping the country’s future.
National Immigration Law Center
Home | Northwest Immigrant Rights Project
Home | Northwest Immigrant Rights Project
Northwest Immigrant Rights Project promotes justice by defending and advancing the rights of immigrants through direct legal services, systemic/Users/miguel/Local Documents/nwirp-temp/index.html advocacy, and community education.
Home | Northwest Immigrant Rights Project
American Immigration Council
American Immigration Council
The Council strives for a fair and just immigration system.
American Immigration Council
What Does ICE Do?
What Does ICE Do?
A Criminal Defense article by Ilona Bray.
What Does ICE Do?
What Does ICE Do?
What Does ICE Do?
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is charged with enforcing U.S. federal laws concerning border control, customs, trade, and immigration. Immigrants dealing
What Does ICE Do?
Celebrate Women’s History Month with the Law Library - Daniel F. Cracchiolo Law Library Blog
Celebrate Women’s History Month with the Law Library - Daniel F. Cracchiolo Law Library Blog
Women’s History Month has been recognized in the United States since President Reagan issued Presidential Proclamation 5619 on March 16, 1987, with all the succeeding presidents echoing those sentiments annually. International Women’s Day is also celebrated within Women's History Month on March 8th every year. The origins of this holiday can be traced back to the early 1900s where National Women’s Days were observed in the U.S., Europe and Russia surrounding women’s suffrage. Finally, in 1977 the United Nations officially commemorated International Women’s History Day in honor of the women’s labor movements taking place across the globe and a nod to the historical events that sought gender equality.
Celebrate Women’s History Month with the Law Library - Daniel F. Cracchiolo Law Library Blog
Disability Justice In the Age of Mass Incarceration - #DisabilityJusticeNUSL
Disability Justice In the Age of Mass Incarceration - #DisabilityJusticeNUSL
Disability Justice In the Age of Mass Incarceration: Perspectives on Race, Disability, Law & Accountability Summer 2016 Contact Information Talila A. Lewis ---.---.---- (voice/text)* ---.---.---- (videophone) (e-mail) *also available for video- & text-based real-t...
Disability Justice In the Age of Mass Incarceration - #DisabilityJusticeNUSL