Teaching Resources (Topical LibGuides, Syllabi, Toolkits)
Diversity Toolkit: A Guide to Discussing Identity, Power and Privilege
This training is meant for anyone who feels there is a lack of productive discourse around issues of diversity and the role of identity in social relationships, both on a micro (individual) and macro (communal) level.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Resources
Core's Diversity and Inclusion Committee is committed to supporting libraries in incorporating the tenets of anti-racism, diversity, and inclusion into day-to-day library operations and Core committee work. With this goal in mind, the committee has compiled a sampling of free resources and tools explicitly related to assessment, building & operations, leadership & management, metadata & collections, and technology. It includes resources on training, outreach, recruitment and employment, grants and scholarships, and organizations. We welcome suggestions for resources to be added to the list.
Doing a YA Collection Diversity Audit: Resources and Sources (Part 3)
In this final post on doing my diversity audit, I just wanted to share my sources and resources with you. It’s also available in the PDF outline of my process, but since these are clickable links you may prefer to access them this way. Also, if you know of additional book lists or titles that […]
Boley Law Library: Lewis and Clark Protest Resources: Home
Practical and academic support for protestors within the L&C community and beyond. Resources for Oregon and national protests. Resources include legal information, bail, protest protection, groups, research guides, books, non fiction and fiction, movies, forums, and a safe space for students to discuss lived experiences.
The Belonging Barometer
Belonging is a fundamental human need, and one that is linked to many of the most complex challenges of our time. Without a sense of belonging, individuals and communities suffer; with it, they thrive. Yet, because belonging is notoriously difficult to measure, it is often ignored in efforts to address the deep fractures in our societies. One purpose of this report is to call attention to belonging as a factor that matters deeply for leaders and stakeholders across diverse sectors.
LibGuides: Trauma-informed Practices in Law Libraries and Classroom Instruction: Overview: Who we are, & definitions
A collection of resources related to trauma informed practices in law libraries, trauma informed teaching, and polyvagal theory, based on the NELLCO Symposium.
Libraries Respond: White Allyship
Allyship Traditionally, the library and information science profession has been predominately white. Even in diverse communities, library professionals do not always reflect the populations they serve. Therefore it is essential that library and information science professionals serve their communities as allies. So, what exactly is an ally? The word ally comes from Middle French and means ‘to bind together.’ An ally is one who recognizes their unearned systemic privilege from societal injustice and works to change these patterns of injustice.
Activists’ Guide to Creating Video Databases Toolkit Overview - WITNESS
Throughout this project we documented the tools we used, the processes that worked best for us and the things that made our light bulbs go off. We compiled those learnings into this Toolkit for others to use, share and help grow. The Toolkit can be used as a step-by-step guide, or you can jump right in to the section you’re most interested in!