NCSL's Disability Employment Database tracks current bills and legislation in all 50 states addressing employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
Area Agency on AgingAssists adults with disabilities providing information and services, benefits assistance, and legal referrals. E. Thomas Rd., Suite 108, Phoenix, AZ
Federal, State, and Local Laws: Conflicts or Complements? - Mid-Atlantic ADA Center
Here at the ADA Center we get a lot of questions from callers to our toll-free information line and from participants in our training sessions about laws
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The Arizona Center for Disability Law advocates for COVID-19 vaccine distribution for people with disabilities
A letter was sent to Dr. Cara Christ requesting Arizona’s COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan to ensure equitable distribution on behalf of people with disabilities.
Disabilities rights groups pan Arizona vaccination plans
PHOENIX (AP) — Advocates on Thursday called on Arizona to prioritize people with disabilities and their caregivers when it comes to administering COVID-19 vaccines...
Law student using American Sign Language wins 4th Circuit appeal
The ABA Journal is read by half of the nation's 1 million lawyers every month. It covers the trends, people and finances of the legal profession from Wall Street to Main Street to Pennsylvania Avenue.
2 disability rights activists on the power of the ADA -- and where it falls short
On the 30th anniversary of the groundbreaking Americans with Disabilities Act, we consider how this legislation changed the lives of people with mental or physical impairments -- and where it falls short. Civil rights activist Judy Heumann, previously a special advisor to the State Department, and Keri Gray of the American Association of People with Disabilities join Judy Woodruff to discuss.
Americans with Disabilities Act | A Guide to Title I Employment
So, you want to know about the Americans with Disabilities Act? We've created this handy guide to Title I Employment laws, which are found in the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act). What does ADA employment regulations under Title I of the Americans with Disabilities act actually cover? Here, we talk about what this means both for employers and for individuals with disabilities seeking reasonable accommodations and other benefits provided by the ADA. Title I of the ADA prohibits discrimination and employee rights while also providing guidance for employers on identifying undue hardships and disability provisions.
We want you to learn what types of rights disabled employees have in the workplace in this guide to Title I Employment Law.
Check out our other videos for guides on the Americans with Disabilities Act.
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Music: "Sunshine" - by Assimilation, "It's Not Me", by Mise.
Both tracks covered under Creative Commons 3.0.
Independent Living Resource Center - Empowering People with Disabilities!
In this episode, we give an overview of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Disability Law Lowdown ASL Podcast uses sign language and captions to provide information on disability rights laws.
Enabling acts : the hidden story of how the Americans with Disabilities Act gave the largest us minority its rights - Lennard J. Davis
"The first significant book on the history and impact of the ADA--the "eyes on the prize" moment for disability rights The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is the widest-ranging piece of civil rights legislation ever passed in the history of the United States, and it has become the model for most civil rights laws around the world. The untold story behind the act is anything but a dry account of bills and speeches, however. Rather, it's a fascinating story of how a group of leftist Berkeley hippies managed to make an alliance with upper-crust, conservative Republicans to bring about a truly bipartisan bill. In this riveting account, acclaimed disability scholar Lennard J. Davis tells the behind-the-scenes and on-the-ground story of a too-often ignored or forgotten civil rights fight, while illustrating the successes and shortcomings of the ADA in areas ranging from employment, education, and transportation to shifting social attitudes. Published for the twenty-fifth anniversary of the ADA, this book promises to powerfully ignite readers in a discussion of disability rights in America"--;"This book is the first major book to focus exclusively on the history and impact of the ADA which was the widest ranging piece of civil rights legislation in the history of the United States and has become the model for most civil rights laws around the world. Yet the history isn't a dry account of bills and speeches. Rather it tells the fascinating story of how a group of leftist Berkeley hippies managed to make an alliance with upper-crust, conservative Republicans to bring about a truly bi-partisan bill. It covers how major politicians fought in public while staffers hammered out the details amidst public demonstrations by disability activists providing momentum for all. The book provides behind the scenes accounts and never-before published intrigues that led to a successful outcome. In addition, the book will assess the impact and legacy of the ADA through the stories of individuals who have been affected by the legislation"--
Why do we need the Accessible Voting Act?
Almost a quarter of the electorate will be 65 years old or older in 2020, and an estimated 14.3 million
citizens with disabilities reported voting in November 2018. These communities represent a large part of the electorate, but their needs related to voting are often overlooked and misunderstood.
Introduction to the Americans with Disabilities Act
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in everyday activities. The ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability just as other civil rights laws prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion. The ADA is broken up into five different sections, which are called titles. Different titles set out the requirements for different kinds of organizations.
Congress Passes COVID-19 Bill; Disability Community Needs Continue to be Unmet
Last night, Congress passed a $900 billion COVID-response package and a $1.4 trillion appropriations bill to fund the government through Fiscal Year (FY) 2021, which ends on September 30. The Presi…
Congress restores the Americans With Disabilities Act to its original intent - PubMed
The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) was created to prohibit discrimination based on disability. Although many individuals filed claims alleging discrimination in the workplace based on disability, the federal courts, led by the U.S. Supreme Court, adopted an increasingly constricted interpreta …
33 years ago on July 26, 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law. This historic civil rights law protects the rights of people with disabilities.