20 Best Disability Podcasts You Must Follow in 2023
Best Disability Podcasts List featuring disability news, types of disability, employment and empowerment of people with disabilities, disability rights, disability issues, conversations with experts exploring topics related to disability and much more.
Xceptional Leaders with Mai Ling Chan & James Berges
Learn from disability-focused leaders about high profile topics and how they are truly making a difference. Mai Ling and James give you front row access to intimate conversations that are shaping the way the world is supporting people with disabilities. They share their intimate experiences— so you can start, grow, and expand your impact.
Disability Horizons magazine is an online disability lifestyle publication that aims to give disabled people a voice. Founded by two disabled guys in 2011, Disability Horizons publishes articles on a wide variety of topics, all to support the aim of a world where disabled people live exactly as they choose to.
Disability News: World Coverage of Stories and Events
Coverage, breaking stories, and regularly updated current disability news summaries with a prime focus on essential world issues concerning disabilities and those with disability.
"In The Wounded Attorney, authors Young and Packman explore how mental health issues appear in the legal profession by examining attorney disbarment records and arguing for a therapeutic approach to attorney discipline that destigmatizes mental health issues"--
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities : a commentary - Valentina Della Fina (Editor); Rachele Cera (Editor); Giuseppe Palmisano (Editor)
"This Commentary provides the first comprehensive legal article-by-article analysis of the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The Convention is the key international human rights instrument exclusively devoted to persons with disabilities and the centerpiece of international efforts to address inequalities and barriers they encounter to the full enjoyment of human rights. The book discusses the Convention's position within existing international human rights law and within the framework of the United Nations measures to protect the rights of people with disabilities. Starting with the background of all the Convention's articles, including the travaux pr��paratoires, this Commentary examines each provision's substance and interpretation, and explores the significance of each right, its legal scope and relationship with other international legal norms and principles. A unique contribution also analyzes the Optional Protocol to the Convention. In addition to enriching academic studies of international human rights law, the book provides insights into the practical operation of the Convention's provisions by assessing the practice of the CRPD Committee, the activities of relevant international and regional human rights bodies in enforcing the rights of persons with disabilities and the contracting parties' implementation practices. Relevant European Court of Human Rights, the Court of Justice of the European Union and, if appropriate, other regional jurisdictions' case law, as well as the jurisprudence of domestic courts, are taken into consideration. Contributions from leading scholars and international experts make this book an indispensable resource for lawyers, academics, students, journalists, international organizations, NGOs and other stakeholders wanting to better understand the rights of people with disabilities. Furthermore, it makes a valuable contribution to appraising the impact of the Convention in the legal orders of contracting parties and to charting the way forward in the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities." --Cover.
Unequal rights discrimination against people with mental disabilities and the Americans with Disabilities Act - Susan Stefan
Looks at how the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) addresses or fails to address the world of discrimination for 2 groups of individuals with mental disabilities: (1) those who are part of mainstream America--successful actors, politicians, lawyers, and writers who report that other people minimize or refuse to believe their struggles and symptoms; and (2) those who are publicly identified as "mentally ill" by being institutionalized or on public disability benefits who report that they are considered totally incapable of any kind of achievement. The author examines ADA cases in a variety of areas, from private insurance and professional discipline to disability benefits and institutionalization. The common thread underlying discrimination is the failure to recognize that mental disabilities involve a continuing struggle that can--and often does--coexist with achievement and success. This book is a resource for lawyers, people with mental disabilities, therapists, and anyone who seeks to understand the full impact of disability law. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2004 APA, all rights reserved).
Ugly laws : disability in public - Susan M. Schweik
In the late-19th and early-20th centuries, municipal laws targeting 'unsightly beggars' sprang up in cities across America. This book uncovers the murky history behind the laws, situating the varied legislation in its historical context and exploring the details of the laws.
Social security disability law and the American labor market - Jon C. Dubin
"The book is about the law, history, public policy, administrative agency processes, and empirical and American labor market realities, around the elusive Social Security Act disability programs' requirements for determining when persons can make adjustments to jobs which exist in significant numbers in the economy"-- Provided by publisher.
Sexuality, disability, and the law : beyond the last frontier? - Michael L. Perlin; Alison J. Lynch
Sexuality, Disability, and the Law approaches issues of sexual autonomy and disability from multiple perspectives, including constitutional law, international human rights, therapeutic jurisprudence, history, cognitive psychology, dignity studies, and theories and findings on gender constructs and societal norms. Perlin and Lynch determine that if our society continues to assert that persons with mental disabilities possess a primitive morality, we allow ourselves to censor their feelings and their actions. By denying their ability and desires to show love and affection, we justify this disparate treatment. Our reliance on stereotypes has warped our attitudes and our policies, and has allowed us to avoid important issues of humanity and of dignity that should be at the basis of any policies that affect this population.
Rights on trial : how workplace discrimination law perpetuates inequality - Ellen Berrey; Robert L. Nelson; Laura Beth Nielsen
"On the surface, America's commitment to equal opportunity in the workplace has never been clearer. Virtually every company has antidiscrimination policies in place, and there are laws designed to protect these rights across a range of marginalized groups. But, as Ellen Berrey, Robert L. Nelson, and Laura Beth Nielsen compellingly show, this progressive vision of the law falls far short in practice. When aggrieved individuals turn to the law, the adversarial character of litigation imposes considerable personal and financial costs that make plaintiffs feel like they've lost regardless of the outcome of the case. Employer defendants also are dissatisfied with the system, often feeling "held up" by what they see as frivolous cases. And even when the case is resolved in the plaintiff's favor, the conditions that gave rise to the lawsuit rarely change. In fact, the contemporary approach to workplace discrimination law perversely comes to reinforce the very hierarchies that antidiscrimination laws were created to redress. Based on rich interviews with plaintiffs, attorneys, and representatives of defendants and an original national dataset on case outcomes, Rights on Trial reveals the fundamental flaws of workplace discrimination law and offers practical recommendations for how we might better respond to persistent patterns of discrimination." -- Publisher's website
Representing people with autism spectrum disorders : a practical guide for criminal defense lawyers - Elizabeth Kelley
"This book is meant to cover the complete anatomy of a criminal case, from the initial encounter with law enforcement, through the bond hearing, through the use of experts, through plea bargaining or dismissal, through resolution, including a sentencing hearing to prison or probation"--
Refugee status of persons with disabilities - Stephanie Anna Motz
"In many countries around the world persons with disabilities still suffer torture, ill- treatment and severe discrimination. Sometimes they are persecuted directly by the state, but frequently it is their family members, society or religious institutions that expose them to serious harm, while the state turns a blind eye to it. Persons with disabilities make up approximately 15% of the world population and an estimated 20% of the population of refugees and internally displaced persons. This book examines when persons with disabilities, who are being persecuted for reasons of their disability, are refugees and thus entitled to the protection of the 1951 Refugee Convention and the 1967 Protocol"--
Make them go away : Clint Eastwood, Christopher Reeve and the case against disability rights - Mary Johnson
Cultural Writing. "Our wrists hurt from typing on our too flat keyboards. We put the TV on 'mute' when it gets to noisy in the bar, and follow the action with the captions. We duck into the `handicap stall' at the airport because it's big enough to accommodate us--and our rollbag and our computer bag. Still, we say, the disabled are ruining things for society. They want special keyboards at work to help them type. They want accessible restrooms everywhere. They want more captioning on television. They're always wanting special accommodations"--from MAKE THEM GO AWAY. "This book from long-time disability social issues reporter Mary Johnson is indispensable. It's the genuine article--Johnson was there"--Marta Russell.
Legal rights of persons with disabilities : an analysis of federal law - Bonnie Poitras Tucker; Bruce A. Goldstein
"A valuable library resource for employers, educators, & even the most sophisticated practitioner dealing with the rights of Americans with disabilities." says Robert Silverstein, Esq., Staff Director of the Senate Subcommittee on Disability Policy, who also reports that authors Tucker & Goldstein have "done an outstanding job examining this complex area of federal authority & have produced a treatise that is thoroughly researched, well annotated, & exhaustively analyzed." The book provides an analysis of laws enacted by Congress to eliminate the major types of discrimination confronted by Americans with disabilities who seek to participate in the mainstream of society. Topics covered include employment, education, public accommodations, housing, transportation, access to services, the elimination of architectural barriers, & disabled newborns. "This book has it all" - David M. Capozzi, Project ACTION. Familiarity with the primary issues, laws & cases dealing with those topics will introduce - & sensitize - the reader to the depth of the discrimination faced by Americans with disabilities, & to the scope of awareness & effort required to alleviate that discrimination. While analyzing these laws, the authors often leave you pondering the justice of certain decisions, the ambiguity of existing law, the necessity for further legislation, & the dilemmas of reality.
Legal rights : the guide for deaf and hard of hearing people - National Association National Association of the Deaf
"This new, completely revised edition of Legal Rights: The Guide for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People meticulously describes the federal and state statutes that prohibit discrimination against deaf and hard of hearing people. Written in easy-to-understand language, the sixth edition explains critically important legislation such as the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). It also includes the recent amendments to these laws -- the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA) and new regulations to its Title II concerning public entities and Title III pertaining to public accommodations and commercial facilities; and the reauthorization of IDEA, which expanded the No Child Left Behind Act requirement of highly qualified teachers to include all students with disabilities. This updated edition of Legal Rights tracks the trend of passing a Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children's Bill of Rights in a growing number of state legislatures. It delineates new federal legislation such as the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act, which ensures that deaf and hard of hearing people have access to the newest communications technology. Legal Rights also provides vital information on health care and social services, fair housing regulations, employment, and the use of interpreters in the legal system, securing its position as the most comprehensive source of legal information for deaf and hard of hearing people now available." -- Back cover
TLegal protection of refugees with disabilities : forgotten and invisible? - Mary Crock; Ron McCallum; Ben Saul; Laura Smith-Khan
Refugees living with disabilities are often forgotten or invisible during acute crises of human displacement. This groundbreaking work examines the experiences of persons with disabilities who have crossed borders in search of protection from disasters or conflict, and analyses the existing legal frameworks for their protection. The authors deftly explore the intersection between one of the oldest international human rights treaties, the 1951 Refugee Convention, with one of the newest, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Drawing on pioneering fieldwork in six countries - Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Uganda, Jordan and Turkey - this book examines how the CRPD is, or should be, changing the way that governments and aid agencies engage with and accommodate refugees with disabilities. Its timeliness is underscored by the adoption in 2016 of the UN Charter on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action at the World Humanitarian Summit. Engaging and thought-provoking, this book will captivate any scholar studying international law, development, disability rights and refugee and forced migration studies. It is also an imperative resource for practitioners and policymakers in the humanitarian and development sector, as well as international human rights organisations--
Lawyers, Lead On: Lawyers with Disabilities Share Their Insights - Carrie A. Basas (Editor); Rebecca S. Williford (Editor); Stephanie L. Enyart (Editor)
This inspiring book contains letters of encouragement and advice from lawyers with disabilities to law students and new lawyers with disabilities. The writers share their perspectives on work and disability, based on their own experiences of success and setbacks.
Lawyer's guide to filing long-term disability claims and appeals - Allan B. Checkoway
This publication is a valuable resource for lawyers who are counseling clients who are considering the purchase of individual or group disability coverage, as it discusses all the many definitions of disability. It explains the types of coverage and the related terminology, as well as how to achieve full protection.
Lawyer's guide to working with special needs clients - Richard A. Courtney
Richard A. Courtney is a Certified Elder Law Attorney through the National Elder Law Foundation who also practices in areas including special needs planning, trusts and trust administration, and nursing home and disability rights. He has been named in Best Lawyers in America in Elder Law and Trusts & Estates since 2013. He is also a Fellow of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel. Four decades ago, Courtney was thrust into the arena of special needs law on a personal basis as a parent of a child with disabilities. Since that time, he has gained substantial experience, personally and professionally, with the legal issues involved, such as Medicaid, SSI, housing, asset protection, special needs estate planning, and incapacity planning. This book gives general practitioners and less experienced special needs attorneys the background and basic information on these and other issues, as well as the planning techniques and legal strategies needed to counsel and assist clients with special needs. Book jacket.
Law and the contradictions of the disability rights movement - Samuel R. Bagenstos
The passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990 was hailed as revolutionary legislation, but in the ensuing years restrictive Supreme Court decisions have prompted accusations that the Court has betrayed the disability rights movement. The ADA can lay claim to notable successes, yet people with disabilities continue to be unemployed at extremely high rates. In this timely book, Samuel R. Bagenstos examines the history of the movement and discusses the various, often-conflicting projects of diverse participants. He argues that while the courts deserve some criticism, some may also be fairly aimed at the choices made by prominent disability rights activists as they crafted and argued for the ADA. The author concludes with an assessment of the limits of antidiscrimination law in integrating and empowering people with disabilities, and he suggests new policy directions to make these goals a reality.