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Mansfield Overview - Diversity Lab
Mansfield Overview - Diversity Lab
The Purpose The Mansfield Rule is a structured certification process designed to ensure all talent at participating law firms and legal departments have a fair and equal opportunity to advance into leadership. Mansfield is focused on broadening the talent pool for consideration, including those historically underrepresented in the legal profession, to facilitate transparent leadership pathways.  Read More...
Mansfield Overview - Diversity Lab
Exclusionary and classist: Why the legal profession is getting whiter - Hassan Kanu
Exclusionary and classist: Why the legal profession is getting whiter - Hassan Kanu
"A recent American Bar Association study found that the legal profession in America has remained overwhelmingly white and male over the last decade and that racial diversity among lawyers has actually regressed in some respects"
Exclusionary and classist: Why the legal profession is getting whiter - Hassan Kanu