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ACCOUNTABILITY IN A TIME OF JUSTICE Vivette Jeffries-Logan, Michelle Johnson, and Tema Okun
Accountability is a well-worn word in social justice circles. The three of us, one a member of the Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation, one of us African-American, one of us white, have worked hard to figure out what accountability means to us as we attempt to walk our social justice talk. We have done this because we’ve seen too often
how the concept of accountability gets (mis)used in interpersonal games of tit for tat, manipulations aimed at getting people to follow an agenda rather than reach for a shared vision. We know how challenging it is to build community-wide accountability when we are spinning in ever increasing dysfunctional circles personally.
Centering Racial Justice and Grassroots Ownership in Collective Impact (SSIR)
How a top-down coalition focused on reducing youth substance use in a predominantly white, rural area of Western Massachusetts has prioritized equity and community engagement.
“Lacks Educational Value”? Critics Slam Florida’s Rejection of AP African American Studies Course
Civil right advocates, educators and lawyers, like Ben Crump, are fighting Florida education officials who rejected a new Advanced Placement course for high school students on African American studies. Officials say the course “lacks educational value,” and Republican Governor Ron DeSantis claims the course violates state law. Opponents object to the course’s inclusion of works by scholar and former Black Panther Angela Davis, and of material on intersectionality, reparations and Black queer history, among other topics. Last year, Florida passed a so-called “Don’t Say Gay” law that prevents Florida teachers from discussing sexuality and gender identity in classrooms. We go to Miami and Tallahassee to speak to Dr. Steve Gallon, a lifelong educator and a former teacher, principal and superintendent, who now serves as an elected school board member for Miami-Dade County Schools, and Democratic state Senator Shevrin Jones, the first openly gay person to serve in the state’s Senate.
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Khalil Gibran Muhammad & E. Patrick Johnson on the Fight over Black History
We host a roundtable with three leading Black scholars about the College Board’s decision to revise its curriculum for an Advanced Placement course in African American studies after criticism from Republicans like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. The revised curriculum removes Black Lives Matter, slavery reparations and queer theory as required topics, while it adds a section on Black conservatism. The College Board, the nonprofit organization that administers Advanced Placement courses across the country, denies that it buckled to political pressure. “Florida is a laboratory of fascism at this point,” says Khalil Gibran Muhammad, professor of history, race and public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School. We also speak with two scholars whose writings are among those purged from the revised curriculum: Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, professor of African American studies at Northwestern University, and E. Patrick Johnson, dean of Northwestern’s School of Communication and a pioneer in the formation of Black sexuality studies as a field of scholarship.
In honor of Black History Month the CRIV blog is highlighting some of the collections related to the history of Civil Rights. These collections contain photos, documents and other resources that ca…
Law School Named for Black Attorney in Groundbreaking Move for Legal History
The Florida St. Thomas University College of Law has recently rebranded to the Benjamin L. Crump College of Law at St. Thomas University in recognition of the prominent Black civil rights lawyer. Crump is a Florida State University College of Law graduate and has offices in California, Florida, and Washington, D.C. He is widely recognized […]
Property Law and Inequality: Lessons from Racially Restrictive Covenants
A longstanding justification for the institution of property is that it encourages effort and planning, enabling not only individual wealth creation but indirec
Algorithms Are Making Decisions About Health Care, Which May Only Worsen Medical Racism | ACLU
Unclear regulation and a lack of transparency increase the risk that AI and algorithmic tools that exacerbate racial biases will be used in medical settings.
By tradition, U.S. Supreme Court justices do not speak to each other about cases they will decide until after oral arguments. But during oral arguments, they often speak to each other through the lawyers appearing before them. Two justices sent very clear messages to some of their colleagues through lawyers arguing Tuesday in a major voting rights case.
By Jennifer Mendez What is Latinx (or Hispanic) Heritage Month? Each year, Americans observe National Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, c…
National Hispanic Heritage Month 2022: PALABRA Archive Releases 50 New Streaming Recordings | 4 Corners of the World
(This is a guest post by Catalina Gómez, Curator of the PALABRA Archive in the Latin American, Caribbean and European division) Following its annual National Hispanic Heritage Month tradition, the Hispanic Reading Room in the Latin American, Caribbean and European division (LAC&E) announces the digital release of 50 new streaming audio recordings in the PALABRA …
Ida B. Wells, W.E.B. Du Bois, and the Maps of American Racism | Timeless
The Library's Geography and Map Division has created a complex StoryMap that documents the nation's history of redlining and violent racism, including thousands of lynchings. The maps draw on the historical work of Ida B. Wells, W.E.B. Du Bois and many others.
The Mission: Eliminate Systemic Racism in the Legal System - LexisNexis' Ronda Bazley Moore (TGIR Ep. 179)
This week we are joined by LexisNexis' Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer and Head of Global Talent Development, Ronda Bazley Moore. Ronda and a team
Universities Studying Slavery (USS) is a consortium of over ninety institutions of higher learning in the United States, Canada, Colombia, Scotland, Ireland, and England. These schools are focused …
It's More Than Racism: Isabel Wilkerson Explains America's 'Caste' System
In Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist examines the laws and practices that created a bipolar caste system in the U.S. — and how the Nazis borrowed from it.
Duke Libraries Partners with the Civil Rights Movement Archive to Sustain Activist Centered History - The Devil's Tale
Post contributed by John B. Gartrell, Director, John Hope Franklin Research Center Duke University Libraries is pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Civil Rights Movement Archive (CRMA) that designates the Duke Libraries as the stewards who will preserve and sustain the CRMA when the current managers are no longer … Continue reading Duke Libraries Partners with the Civil Rights Movement Archive to Sustain Activist Centered History →
W. Kamau Bell: What 'desert Florida' taught me about America's 'woke war' | CNN
Everywhere you look someone is worried that America has gotten too woke, writes W. Kamau Bell. For the premiere episode of the new season of 'United Shades of America,' Bell delves into the war on 'woke' in the state he refers as 'desert Florida.'
The House and Civil Rights | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives
Spurred by a growing grassroots movement during the mid-20th century, Congress passed landmark legislation to protect Americans’ civil rights, to end discrimination, and to ensure access to the ballot. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 focused on access to public accommodations and equal employment. Despite its far-reaching provisions, the bill did not fully address barriers to voting in America, leading to the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The narratives in this exhibit tell the stories of these important pieces of legislation.