Library and Academic Institution Movements & the Law

"#banned books"
Democratic state lawmakers back bills protecting individual freedom to read and think • Rhode Island Current
Democratic state lawmakers back bills protecting individual freedom to read and think • Rhode Island Current
Democrat Rhode Island lawmakers on Wednesday promoted a suite of bills motivated by the Freedom to Read movement — an assertion of libraries’ right to hold controversial books, amid an ongoing culture clash over the written word.
Democratic state lawmakers back bills protecting individual freedom to read and think • Rhode Island Current
Beyond Book Banning: Efforts to Criminally Charge Librarians
Beyond Book Banning: Efforts to Criminally Charge Librarians
Both the Indiana and Iowa State Legislatures have introduced legislation regarding criminally charging libraries and librarians over “inappropriate” material. These bills are closely related to widespread book challenges occurring at schools and public libraries across the nation, with people trying to remove books that address certain topics relating to gender, sexuality, and race from library collections. In many cases there is already a clear process for reconsidering materials in a collection, so how do legal defenses play a role in this and what do the bills change?
Beyond Book Banning: Efforts to Criminally Charge Librarians
That librarian : the fight against book banning in America - Amanda Jones.
That librarian : the fight against book banning in America - Amanda Jones.
One of the things small town librarian Amanda Jones values most about books is how they can affirm a young person's sense of self. So in 2022, when she caught wind of a local public hearing that would discuss "book content," she knew what was at stake. Schools and libraries nationwide have been bombarded by demands for books with LGTBQ+ references, discussions of racism, and more to be purged from the shelves. Amanda would be damned if her community were to ban stories representing minority groups. She spoke out that night at the meeting. Days later, she woke up to a nightmare that is still ongoing. Amanda Jones has been called a groomer, a pedo, and a porn-pusher; she has faced death threats and attacks from strangers and friends alike. Her decision to support a collection of books with diverse perspectives made her a target for extremists using book banning campaigns--funded by dark money organizations and advanced by hard right politicians--in a crusade to make America more white, straight, and "Christian." But Amanda Jones wouldn't give up without a fight: she sued her harassers for defamation and urged others to join her in the resistance. Mapping the book banning crisis occurring all across the nation, That Librarian draws the battle lines in the war against equity and inclusion, calling book lovers everywhere to rise in defense of our readers.
That librarian : the fight against book banning in America - Amanda Jones.
Banned Books Week starts with mixed messages as reports show challenges both up and down
Banned Books Week starts with mixed messages as reports show challenges both up and down
Two new reports provide a mixed but compelling outlook on the wave of book removals and challenges as the annual Banned Books Week begins for schools, stores and libraries nationwide.
Banned Books Week starts with mixed messages as reports show challenges both up and down
Publishers File Additional Amicus Brief Supporting First Amendment Rights of Llano County Library Patrons in Full Court Rehearing of Little v. Llano County - AAP
Publishers File Additional Amicus Brief Supporting First Amendment Rights of Llano County Library Patrons in Full Court Rehearing of Little v. Llano County - AAP
On September 10, 2024, AAP and allies filed a second amicus brief in support of Texas public library patron plaintiffs in Little v. Llano County following the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals’ order of a full court rehearing of its June 6, 2024 decision. That earlier decision largely—but not entirely—upheld a preliminary injunction against the unconstitutional […]
Publishers File Additional Amicus Brief Supporting First Amendment Rights of Llano County Library Patrons in Full Court Rehearing of Little v. Llano County - AAP
Book Bans Are Not Just Bad Policy; They Can Raise Civil Rights Issues - Blog
Book Bans Are Not Just Bad Policy; They Can Raise Civil Rights Issues - Blog
By: Matt Nosanchuk, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Strategic Operations and Outreach, Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education All students deserve access to learning environments that are inclusive and free from discrimination and that nurture their intellect, wellbeing, and creativity, preparing them for success in school and beyond. Books have been the gateway toContinue Reading
Book Bans Are Not Just Bad Policy; They Can Raise Civil Rights Issues - Blog
Book and Media Censorship in Selected Countries - Library of Congress
Book and Media Censorship in Selected Countries - Library of Congress
Freedom of the press, freedom of expression, and freedom of the arts are well-known concepts in United States law. The following report provides brief overviews of the treatment of these concepts, with a lens on book and media bans, in 22 different countries.
Book and Media Censorship in Selected Countries - Library of Congress
Book Ban Data
Book Ban Data
The American Library Association's Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) has released new data documenting book challenges throughout the United States, finding that challenges of unique titles surged 65% in 2023 compared to 2022 numbers, reaching the highest level ever documented by ALA. Read the full announcement. OIF documented 4,240 unique book titles targeted for censorship, more than the previous two years combined (2,571 in 2022; 1,651 in 2021), as well as 1,247 demands to censor library books, materials, and resources in 2023.
Book Ban Data
Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Affirms That Texas Book Ban Law is Unconstitutional - AAP
Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Affirms That Texas Book Ban Law is Unconstitutional - AAP
Court Ruling Affirms Preliminary Injunction Barring Unconstitutional Book Rating Requirements in Favor of the Coalition of Texas Bookstores, National Booksellers, Authors, and Publishers The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit today affirmed the preliminary injunction of the “Reader Act” (formerly HB 900) granted by Judge Alan D. Albright of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin
Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Affirms That Texas Book Ban Law is Unconstitutional - AAP
In the Fight Against Book Bans, Retired Librarians Are Making a Difference | From the Editor
In the Fight Against Book Bans, Retired Librarians Are Making a Difference | From the Editor
They care deeply and can't be fired. Retired librarians are bringing experience and passion to the cause of intellectual freedom. With advocacy skills training and opportunities to mentor, retirees could become even more powerful assets.
In the Fight Against Book Bans, Retired Librarians Are Making a Difference | From the Editor
A WA library might close over book ban fight
A WA library might close over book ban fight
A library in rural Southeast Washington could be the first in the nation to close over a fight about removing books. The debate revolves around a group of books in the library’s kids and young adult sections that some residents say aren’t age-appropriate. Seattle Times reporter David Gutman is here to explain how things got to this point, with some help from life-long Dayton resident John Hutchens.
A WA library might close over book ban fight
Report: “Why Iowa’s Ban on Books with Sex Could Sink Libraries Shared by Schools and Small Towns”
Report: “Why Iowa’s Ban on Books with Sex Could Sink Libraries Shared by Schools and Small Towns”
From the Des Moines Register: The small farming community of Alta in northwest Iowa barely has 2,000 residents. The elementary school that shares its name has fewer than 300 students. Neither is big enough to have a quality library on its own. So for the last 20 years, the two have operated a library together, […]
Report: “Why Iowa’s Ban on Books with Sex Could Sink Libraries Shared by Schools and Small Towns”
New PEN America Report Warns Against Canceling Books Due to Outrage
New PEN America Report Warns Against Canceling Books Due to Outrage
In a new report,  Booklash: Literary Freedom, Online Outrage, and the Language of Harm, PEN America warns that social media blowback and societal outrage are imposing new moral litmus tests on books and authors, chilling literary expression and fueling a dangerous trend of self-censorship that is shrinking writers' creative freedom and imagination.
New PEN America Report Warns Against Canceling Books Due to Outrage
Book Bans, Academic Freedom, and the Academic Law Library: Reflections on an AALL Discussion Den
Book Bans, Academic Freedom, and the Academic Law Library: Reflections on an AALL Discussion Den
Discussion Dens are consistently among my favorite programs at the AALL Annual Meeting, and Leslie Street’s Book Bans, Academic Freedom, and the Academic Law Library discussion was truly a highligh…
Book Bans, Academic Freedom, and the Academic Law Library: Reflections on an AALL Discussion Den