Indigenous Rights Movements & the Law

White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) jointly released new government-wide guidance and an accompanying implementation memorandum f
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) jointly released new government-wide guidance and an accompanying implementation memorandum f
for Federal Agencies on recognizing and including Indigenous Knowledge in Federal research, policy, and decision making. This announcement coincides with the Biden-Harris Administration’s 2022 Tribal Nations Summit and responds to a 2021 OSTP-CEQ memorandum that called for development of the guidance with Tribal consultation and Indigenous community engagement, as well as agency, expert, and public input.
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) jointly released new government-wide guidance and an accompanying implementation memorandum f
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) - new government-wide guidance
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) - new government-wide guidance
for Federal Agencies on recognizing and including Indigenous Knowledge in Federal research, policy, and decision making. This announcement coincides with the Biden-Harris Administration’s 2022 Tribal Nations Summit and responds to a 2021 OSTP-CEQ memorandum that called for development of the guidance with Tribal consultation and Indigenous community engagement, as well as agency, expert, and public input.
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) - new government-wide guidance
White House Releases First-of-a-Kind Indigenous Knowledge Guidance for Federal Agencies | OSTP | The White House
White House Releases First-of-a-Kind Indigenous Knowledge Guidance for Federal Agencies | OSTP | The White House
Today, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) jointly released new government-wide guidance  and an accompanying implementation memorandum for Federal Agencies on recognizing and including Indigenous Knowledge in Federal research, policy, and decision making. This announcement coincides with the Biden-Harris Administration’s 2022 Tribal Nations…
White House Releases First-of-a-Kind Indigenous Knowledge Guidance for Federal Agencies | OSTP | The White House
Supreme Court rulings undermine Indian law
Supreme Court rulings undermine Indian law
Indian law is a framework for making decisions about Indigenous sovereignty and peoples, but recent Supreme Court rulings create new debates despite centuries of precedents
Supreme Court rulings undermine Indian law
Reclaiming Native Truth
Reclaiming Native Truth
Reclaiming Native Truth is a national effort to foster cultural, social and policy change by empowering Native Americans to counter discrimination, invisibility and the dominant narratives that limit Native opportunity, access to justice, health and self-determination. Reclaiming Native Truth’s goal is to move hearts and minds toward greater respect, inclusion and social justice for Native Americans.
Reclaiming Native Truth
Grappling with the Land Grant truth | The Ohio State University Inspire
Grappling with the Land Grant truth | The Ohio State University Inspire
Ohio State Professor Stephen Gavazzi learned a painful truth about Land Grant Universities — just after his book on the subject went to press. Now he’s working with a team of Ohio State researchers to find a path to healing harm done to indigenous tribes when they lost lands to fund the university through the Morrill Act of 1862.   Link to transcript
Grappling with the Land Grant truth | The Ohio State University Inspire
State of unease: Colorado basin tribes without water rights
State of unease: Colorado basin tribes without water rights
PEACH SPRINGS, Ariz. (AP) — Garnett Querta slips on his work gloves as he shifts the big rig he’s driving into park. Within seconds, he unrolls a fire hose and opens a hydrant, sending water flowing into one of the plastic tanks on the truck’s flat bed.
State of unease: Colorado basin tribes without water rights
Targeted Initiatives Reduce Tuition Costs for Indigenous Students
Targeted Initiatives Reduce Tuition Costs for Indigenous Students
Over the past year, a wave of higher education institutions and state governments have worked to reduce the cost of college for Indigenous students. These tuition relief efforts come at a critical tim
Targeted Initiatives Reduce Tuition Costs for Indigenous Students
Water Protectors File Appeal in Dundon v. Kirchmeier Standing Rock Civil Rights Class Action
Water Protectors File Appeal in Dundon v. Kirchmeier Standing Rock Civil Rights Class Action
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 22, 2022 Contact: Rachel Lederman or Natali Segovia, Water Protector Legal Collective Earth Day this year marks an important day for Water Protectors who are still seeking accountability from Morton County and law enforcement for mass human rights violations committed over five years ago at Standing Rock. Today, Water Protectors filed an appeal in the Dundon v. Kirchmeier civil rights case. Dundon v. Kirchmeier is a federal civil rights
Water Protectors File Appeal in Dundon v. Kirchmeier Standing Rock Civil Rights Class Action
To the Arizona Law Community, Faculty, and Administration, - The Harm and History that Demands Action
To the Arizona Law Community, Faculty, and Administration, - The Harm and History that Demands Action
UA’s Federalist Society (FedSoc) asked NALSA to co-sponsor an Indian Child Welfare Act event and help them find a faculty member who could speak about its benefits. We asked FedSoc for more information about the event, and they informed us that they envisioned a well-rounded and educational discussion about the “positive and negative” impacts of ICWA in child welfare cases. Due to conflicting schedules, we were unable to help. It came to our attention that FedSoc titled the event, Separate but Equal Lives: The Indian Child Welfare Act and its Mistreatment of Native Children, which negates their goal of a well-rounded discussion and perpetuates harmful rhetoric about Native communities. We respectfully asked FedSoc to change the title days before it was published in the College of Law’s Weekly Bulletin, but they refused. We now respectfully request that the James E. Rogers College of Law require a title change. We also ask those who are interested in this subject to attend the two ICWA events this week that amplify Native peoples’ lived experiences to create a well-rounded perspective.
To the Arizona Law Community, Faculty, and Administration, - The Harm and History that Demands Action
Teaching Indian Law in the 21st Century - The ALI Adviser
Teaching Indian Law in the 21st Century - The ALI Adviser
In the 21st century, many law schools offer Indian law but generally are still far behind the curve. Worse, when it is offered, the Indian law canon tends to be taught in ways that ignore contemporary tribal agency by emphasizing historical events over modern issues. This article gives examples of tribal court cases and tribal statutes law teachers can use to incorporate Indian law into virtually any common law course.
Teaching Indian Law in the 21st Century - The ALI Adviser
EXAMINATION OF THE UNITED STATES ALTERNATIVE (SHADOW) REPORT ANSWERING THE PRIVATE SECURITY AND INDIGENOUS PEOPLES THEME OF REVIEW FOR THE UNITED STATESSubmitted by the Water Protector Legal Collective in collaboration with the International Organization for Self-Determination and EqualityJuly 22, 2022
Brackeen v. Haaland: What Does the Future Hold for the Indian Child Welfare Act? — Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
Brackeen v. Haaland: What Does the Future Hold for the Indian Child Welfare Act? — Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
November is both National Native American Heritage Month and National Adoption Month . Tomorrow, November 9, the U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled to hear a case that has implications related to both, Brackeen v. Haaland , which concerns the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (ICWA), 25 U.S.C. §§ 1
Brackeen v. Haaland: What Does the Future Hold for the Indian Child Welfare Act? — Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library