About this Collection | NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund Records | Digital Collections | Library of Congress
The processed records of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund consist of approximately 80,000 items of which about 80% (210,299 images) have been digitized thus far. Spanning the years 1915-1968, with most dating from 1940 to 1960, these records document the work and procedures of the organization as it combated racial discrimination in the nation’s courts, establishing in the process a public interest legal practice that was unprecedented in American jurisprudence. The organization’s records cover a host of topics, including segregation in schools, on buses, and in public facilities; discrimination in housing and property ownership; voting rights; police brutality; racial violence; and countless other infringements of civil rights.
It may have just gotten harder to protect minority communities from pollution - New Jersey Monitor
In recent years, some states have invested in air quality monitoring, applied extra scrutiny to permitting decisions and steered cleanup funding to minority communities that have borne the brunt of pollution for decades. Now, in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision striking down race-conscious college admissions policies, state lawmakers are facing a […]
Coronavirus (Covid-19), Race and Racism: U.S.A. Legal Documents (Searchable Database)
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This searchable database includes 900+ law-related documents on the Coronavirus, Racism, and the law. It does not include news articles. It was updated with 57 additional documents on January 31, 2023.
Documents were gathered through an electronic database search using the following search terms: (COVID-19 or coronavirus)...
Disability Justice - The Seattle Public Library
Disability Justice by leahlakshmi - a community-created list : Books and articles and films by disabled, d(D)eaf, chronically ill and neurodivergent majority Black and brown people, many queer and trans, writing about fighting ableism, disabled lives, political struggles, communities and histories, sharing skills and organizing tactics and art, making revolution. This list was created by writer and disability justice cultural worker and organizer Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, brownstargirl.org. If you share this publicly, please do so with credit.
School Library Resources - American Indian Library Association
School Library Resources American Library Association Office for Diversity Inclusive Booklists, These booklists highlight diverse voices including racial diversity and sexuality and can be used in the classroom and when ordering collections. There are many booklists in the world that are categorized by topic, but these booklists ensure that underrepresented voices are being heard as … Continued
Inclusive Booklists - ALA
These booklists highlight diverse voices including racial diversity and gender identity and can be used in the classroom and when ordering collections. There are many booklists in the world that are categorized by topic, but these booklists ensure that underrepresented voices are being heard as well.These booklists highlight diverse voices including racial diversity and sexuality and can be used in the classroom and when ordering collections. There are many booklists in the world that are categorized by topic, but these booklists ensure that underrepresented voices are being heard as well.
Researching the Facts About Police Brutality and Racial Disparity - HeinOnline Blog
Racial disparity in the use of lethal force by law enforcement has been a recurring point of contention for the United States. Join us as dive into recent developments, and how to research this hot topic in HeinOnline.
Zinn Education Project: Teaching People's History
The Zinn Education Project promotes and supports the teaching of people’s history in middle and high school classrooms across the country. Based on the lens of history highlighted in Howard Zinn’s best-selling book A People’s History of the United States, the website offers free, downloadable lessons and articles organized by theme, time period, and reading level.
Texas Digital Library Anti-Racism Resources - Collaboration Services
The Texas Digital Library stands against racism and with those working to end systemic injustices. We grieve the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and so many others lost to racist and often police-inflicted violence, as well as the disproportionate number of COVID-19 deaths within minoritized communities.
As we think about our own institutional responsibilities to our members, our staff, and our profession, TDL staff have been compiling resources on anti-racist work, particularly those relevant to libraries and archives. We hope that they will help us collectively find ways to interrogate and improve our practices that exclude and minimize Black and Brown communities and that perpetuate unjust systems. We recognize our own institutional shortcomings in this regard, and we want the Black and Brown workers in our member libraries to know that TDL sees you and strives to support you and amplify your voices.
We invite you to share additional resources with us so that we can share them back to our communities. This might include anti-racist work that your library or archives is doing or has done, or books and other media that you have found useful in your work or personal explorations
LibGuides: Social Justice LibGuide
Welcome to the Social Justice LibGuide!
As you begin your academic and intellectual journey at Adelphi University, or perhaps you have already begun and are continuing this odyssey, this LibGuide provides ideas, resources, and strategies to take charge of your education, both in the classroom and outside of it.
Perhaps you identify with a marginalized, oppressed community, or perhaps you identify with a cross section of minoritized statuses, or perhaps you simply want to become an ally or you are sympatico to social justice causes. Use this LibGuide as a starting point to explore your heritage, ways to become involved in campaigns of interest to you, become acquainted with terminology and concepts, find courses at Adelphi that somehow address social justice issues, learn about important works written by others that you can explore in your extracurricular reading, and more.
Paolo Freire, the famed Brazilian educator, warned against the banking model of education. By this he meant an understanding of education as a system where the teacher deposits knowledge to waiting and passive students. He redefined education as an arena where individuals think critically about reality and ways to transform it. Education should be centered around the experiences, culture and context of the lives of students. Education should be an interaction or an exchange with others. It is the basis for freedom and overcoming oppressive systems, behaviors and knowledge. You already bring so much to the table simply by being who you are, by what you already know, so use this to engage with the world around you and the people who inhabit it.
Instead, approach this LibGuide with the berry-picking theory of information gathering in mind. By this, we mean that you may not know initially what exactly you are looking for, but as you explore, pick bits of information here and there as you come across knowledge and scholarship and resources that stimulate your mind. What you find may surprise and delight you. Find your own way through this important and continuing voyage that we call your education. Take control and refuse the banking model of education and the belief that there is only one standard, defined and true path to being educated.
Begin the dialogue and the conversation! Find an idea, an organization, a book of poetry, or a legal decision, and use it to engage with your professors, your librarians, and your peers. Use this LibGuide to jumpstart the discussion with others. This is the basis for all education.
JSTOR & Schomburg Center Open Library
JSTOR Article and Chapter List JSTOR & Schomburg Center Open Library Responding to the needs of scholars and students around the world, JSTOR collaborated with the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture to create a list of content related to their Black Liberation Reading List....
W. E. B. Du Bois Papers
Scholar, writer, editor of The Crisis and other journals, co-founder of the Niagara Movement, the NAACP, and the Pan African Congresses, international spokesperson for peace and for the rights of oppressed minorities, W.E.B. Du Bois was a son of Massachusetts who articulated the strivings of African Americans and developed a trenchant analysis of the problem of the color line in the twentieth century.
Includes over 100,000 items of correspondence (more than three quarters of the papers), speeches, articles, newspaper columns, nonfiction books, research materials, book reviews, pamphlets and leaflets, petitions, novels, essays, forewords, student papers, manuscripts of pageants, plays, short stories and fables, poetry, photographs, newspaper clippings, memorabilia, videotapes, audiotapes, and miscellaneous materials.
Slavery & the UVA School of Law
Slavery and the University of Virginia School of Law is a project of the UVA Law Library that examines UVA Law’s historical connections to the institution of slavery through people, places, and pedagogy.
From UVA's Academical Village, legal education in the antebellum period played out within a landscape of enslavement. In the classroom, faculty lectured on slavery as a social good. Law student notebooks, digitized and available on this site, enable this new research into the inclusion of slavery in UVA’s antebellum legal curriculum.
What's CODE SWITCH? It's the fearless conversations about race that you've been waiting for. Hosted by journalists of color, our podcast tackles the subject of race with empathy and humor. We explore how race affects every part of society — from politics and pop culture to history, food and everything in between. This podcast makes all of us part of the conversation — because we're all part of the story. Code Switch was named Apple Podcasts' first-ever Show of the Year in 2020.
Research & Opinions - Purpose Built Communities
Listen. Learn. Lead.
To tackle a problem, we must first understand it – and then set about solving it.
For decades, systemically racist policies have disenfranchised entire neighborhoods and created areas of concentrated, intergenerational poverty. To bring about change, we must address the symptoms and the root causes of such inequity, while making investments that bring new opportunity and also preserve the history and culture of a place. This Is Community is a podcast by Purpose Built Communities that explores these issues and more.