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Courage in the People's House : nine trailblazing Representatives who shaped America - Joe Neguse
Courage in the People's House : nine trailblazing Representatives who shaped America - Joe Neguse
"Courage in the People's House tells the gripping stories of nine individuals who served in the US House of Representatives--the "People's House"--During a span of over one hundred years, from the 1870s to the 1990s. From the first African American to serve in the House, to immigrants elected at the dawn of the 20th century, all were trailblazers who made significant contributions to the country"--
Courage in the People's House : nine trailblazing Representatives who shaped America - Joe Neguse
Digital Collections | Collections | Law Library of Congress | Research Centers | Library of Congress
Digital Collections | Collections | Law Library of Congress | Research Centers | Library of Congress
The Law Library continues to digitize legal and legislative materials to help users gain access to important historical documents. The Law Library regularly adds digitized content, as noted in the About the Collection section for each collection.
Digital Collections | Collections | Law Library of Congress | Research Centers | Library of Congress
Physicians for Human Rights Preliminary Findings: Portland Oregon In Advance of August 4 Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution Hearing entitled The Right of the People Peaceably to Assemble: Protecting Speech by Stopping Anarchist Violence
Physicians for Human Rights Preliminary Findings: Portland Oregon In Advance of August 4 Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution Hearing entitled The Right of the People Peaceably to Assemble: Protecting Speech by Stopping Anarchist Violence
"For more than three decades PHR has investigated and documented the health effects and harms caused by so-called 'non-lethal' or 'less than lethal crowd-control weapons' (CCWs). PHR has conducted investigations of injuries and deaths caused by these types of weapons around the world since the 1980s and has reviewed cases upon cases of serious injuries disability and death attributed to CCWs. We have also documented and advocated against excessive use of force by police and other security agents on almost every continent over the decades. We have seen how deployment of such force poses a grave threat to fundamental human rights that are foundational in the United States: the rights to freedom of expression and assembly. "
Physicians for Human Rights Preliminary Findings: Portland Oregon In Advance of August 4 Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution Hearing entitled The Right of the People Peaceably to Assemble: Protecting Speech by Stopping Anarchist Violence