'Flood injustice' calls us to declare the dignity of vulnerable communities | National Catholic Reporter
In this dispiriting moment when the Trump administration has rejected environmental justice and climate change, what can the 2023 Pajaro flood teach us about how Catholic moral thought responds to such realities?
Large floods drive changes in cause-specific mortality in the United States - Nature Medicine
Analyses of death records over the two decades in the United States reported greater mortality from infectious and parasitic diseases, injuries and respiratory and cardiovascular diseases associated with exposures to flooding events, particularly floods caused by tropical cyclones and heavy rain.
Urban inequality, the housing crisis and deteriorating water access in US cities - Nature Cities
Meehan and colleagues study access to running water in large US cities since 1970, finding that the 2008 financial crisis worsened household ‘plumbing poverty’ in many cities. This disproportionately impacted households of color and generally squeezed lower-income households into more precarious living situations.
A just world on a safe planet: a Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission report on Earth-system boundaries, translations, and transformations
The health of the planet and its people are at risk. The deterioration of the global
commons—ie, the natural systems that support life on Earth—is exacerbating energy,
food, and water insecurity, and increasing the risk of disease, disaster, displacement,
and conflict. In this Commission, we quantify safe and just Earth-system boundaries
(ESBs) and assess minimum access to natural resources required for human dignity and
to enable escape from poverty. Collectively, these describe a safe and just corridor
that is essential to ensuring sustainable and resilient human and planetary health
and thriving in the Anthropocene.
It may have just gotten harder to protect minority communities from pollution - New Jersey Monitor
In recent years, some states have invested in air quality monitoring, applied extra scrutiny to permitting decisions and steered cleanup funding to minority communities that have borne the brunt of pollution for decades. Now, in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision striking down race-conscious college admissions policies, state lawmakers are facing a […]
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