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Report of the Prejudicial Materials Working Group - RBMS Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Group, June 2024
Report of the Prejudicial Materials Working Group - RBMS Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Group, June 2024
The Prejudicial Materials Working Group (PMWG) of the RBMS Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Group (CVEG) was convened in the summer of 2020 to review, revise, and generate new terminology in the RBMS Controlled Vocabulary for Rare Materials Cataloging (RBMS CVRMC) that would be useful for indexing works that are prejudicial in nature, or that are the byproduct of prejudicial and hateful systems and ideologies. This work included review and revision of scope notes and relationships between terms.
Report of the Prejudicial Materials Working Group - RBMS Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Group, June 2024
Defending the "Walled Garden": Yes, Academic Libraries Actually Should Focus on the Needs of Their Host Institutions - The Scholarly Kitchen
Defending the "Walled Garden": Yes, Academic Libraries Actually Should Focus on the Needs of Their Host Institutions - The Scholarly Kitchen
Academic libraries' first and most fundamental obligation is to support the work of their host institutions.
Defending the "Walled Garden": Yes, Academic Libraries Actually Should Focus on the Needs of Their Host Institutions - The Scholarly Kitchen
ALA to U. S. Department of Education: Book bans are real | ALA
ALA to U. S. Department of Education: Book bans are real | ALA
The American Library Association responds to the Department of Education's dismissal of complaints about censorship and discrimination: the "effort to terminate protections... advances the demonstrably false claim that book bans are not real."
ALA to U. S. Department of Education: Book bans are real | ALA
Notes Between Us: The Podcast | Podcast on Spotify
Notes Between Us: The Podcast | Podcast on Spotify
Podcast · Notes Between Us · About: We’re a group of law library professionals talking story with our diverse colleagues and friends to uplift one another in our pursuit of excellence and professional and personal fulfillment. This is a spin off of our Notes Between Us blog, where we come together to share notes about life, the universe, and everything. All are welcome! Host: Jenny Silbiger, Hawai‘i State Law Librarian Producers: Marcelo Rodriguez and Syd Stephenson *Note: Opinions and commentaries expressed represent the speakers’ perspectives and not the institutions within which they work.
Notes Between Us: The Podcast | Podcast on Spotify
Sample Reconsideration Form | ALA
Sample Reconsideration Form | ALA
Every library — academic, public, and school (public, private, charter, independent, and international) — should have a comprehensive written policy that guides the selection, deselection or weeding, and reconsideration of library resources. The most valuable selection policy is current; it is reviewed and revised on a regular basis; and it is familiar to all members of a library’s staff. The policy should be approved by the library’s governing board or other policy-making body and disseminated widely for understanding by all stakeholders.
Sample Reconsideration Form | ALA
Book Ban Data | Banned Books
Book Ban Data | Banned Books
The American Library Association's Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) has released new data documenting book challenges throughout the United States, finding that challenges were nearly double that of 2021, reaching the highest number of attempted book bans since ALA began compiling data about censorship in libraries more than 20 years ago.
Book Ban Data | Banned Books
The Internet Archive lost their latest appeal. Here’s what that means for you.
The Internet Archive lost their latest appeal. Here’s what that means for you.
As Publishers Weekly reported this week, the Internet Archive, nonprofit home to a robust digital library, has lost its latest appeal in a case brought by publishers. A panel from New York’s …
The Internet Archive lost their latest appeal. Here’s what that means for you.
Academic Libraries Video Trust catalog
Academic Libraries Video Trust catalog
The Academic Libraries Video Trust is a service facilitating the preservation of audiovisual (“AV”) works in the collections of member libraries. The principal activity of ALVT is to provide a clearinghouse or repository of digital versions of selected AV works, generally works currently available only in the obsolete VHS format. The service is built on opportunities allowed to libraries and archives for the preservation and replacement of works in their collections, pursuant to Section 108 of the U.S. Copyright Act. Video Trust offers this service in order to encourage the preservation and appreciation of the educational films, motion pictures, documentaries, and other works that are increasingly out of reach because of the obsolete technology.
Academic Libraries Video Trust catalog
Research Guides: *U.S. Federal Documents: Government Information @ NUL
Research Guides: *U.S. Federal Documents: Government Information @ NUL
Northwestern University Libraries have been a U.S. Federal Depository Library since 1876. Our collection includes materials in paper, microfiche, CD-ROM, DVD formats and online formats. This guide is based on a similar guide by Kelly Smith at UCSD.
Research Guides: *U.S. Federal Documents: Government Information @ NUL
Digital Collections | Collections | Law Library of Congress | Research Centers | Library of Congress
Digital Collections | Collections | Law Library of Congress | Research Centers | Library of Congress
The Law Library continues to digitize legal and legislative materials to help users gain access to important historical documents. The Law Library regularly adds digitized content, as noted in the About the Collection section for each collection.
Digital Collections | Collections | Law Library of Congress | Research Centers | Library of Congress
School Library Resources - American Indian Library Association
School Library Resources - American Indian Library Association
School Library Resources American Library Association Office for Diversity Inclusive Booklists, These booklists highlight diverse voices including racial diversity and sexuality and can be used in the classroom and when ordering collections. There are many booklists in the world that are categorized by topic, but these booklists ensure that underrepresented voices are being heard as … Continued
School Library Resources - American Indian Library Association