The rise of social consciousness: Tucson protests surge amid global conflicts
Tucson has become a hotspot for growing protests, sparked by global issues like the Israel-Palestine conflict and local reactions to President Donald Trump’s policies. What began as a response from the University of Arizona students to the escalating violence between Israel and Palestine in October 2023 became a focal point for a new wave of...
Become ungovernable : an abolition feminist ethic for democratic living - H. L. T. Quan
Become Ungovernable is a provocative new work of political thought setting out to reclaim "freedom", "justice", and "democracy", revolutionary ideas that are all too often warped in the interests of capital and the state. Revealing the mirage of mainstream democratic thought and the false promises of liberal political ideologies, H.L.T. Quan offers an alternative approach: an abolition feminism drawing on a kaleidoscope of refusal praxes, and on a deep engagement with the Black Radical Tradition and queer analytics. With each chapter anchored by episodes from the long history of resistance and rebellions against tyranny, Quan calls for us to take up a feminist ethic of living rooted in the principles of radical inclusion, mutuality and friendship as part of the larger toolkit for confronting fascism, white supremacy, and the neoliberal labor regime.
Taking Control of Our Lives with Noam Chomsky • KKFI
On the occasion of Noam Chomsky’s 96th birthday on December 7, we are honored to broadcast for the first time this classic recording of a talk he gave in Albuquerque […]
"Ethical, pondering, and wondrous, adrienne maree brown's Loving Corrections is a collection of love-based adjustments and reframes to grow our movements for liberation while navigating a society deeply fractured by greed, racism, and war. In this landmark book, brown invigorates her influential writing on belonging and accountability into the framework of "loving corrections": a generative space where rehearsals for the revolution become the everyday norm in relating to one another. Filled with practical wisdom on how to be a trustworthy communicator while providing bold visions for a shared future, Loving Corrections can speak to everyone caught in the crossroads of our political challenges and potential. No matter how new to the struggle, or how numerous our failures, brown's indispensable writing is an invitation to us all."--
About this Collection | NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund Records | Digital Collections | Library of Congress
The processed records of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund consist of approximately 80,000 items of which about 80% (210,299 images) have been digitized thus far. Spanning the years 1915-1968, with most dating from 1940 to 1960, these records document the work and procedures of the organization as it combated racial discrimination in the nation’s courts, establishing in the process a public interest legal practice that was unprecedented in American jurisprudence. The organization’s records cover a host of topics, including segregation in schools, on buses, and in public facilities; discrimination in housing and property ownership; voting rights; police brutality; racial violence; and countless other infringements of civil rights.
We’re a grassroots movement of thousands of local Indivisible groups with a mission to elect progressive leaders, rebuild our democracy, and defeat the Trump agenda.
See what humans rights campaigns Amnesty International USA is working on to inspire a global movement of people to fight injustice & promote human rights.
Arrests loom for U of A protesters vowing not to leave encampment
The University of Arizona closed portions of its mall Tuesday, posting "no trespassing" signs. Pro-Palestinian protesters moved their "encampment" to a different campus site.
U of A president orders arrests, police and protesters clash, protesters retreat, camp broken up
"University of Arizona President Robert C. Robbins has directed University officials and the University of Arizona Police Department, to immediately enforce campus use policies and all corresponding laws without further
In a Portland Library, Activists Fortify for a Standoff
With wood pallets piled at the entrance, dozens of pro-Palestinian activists are holed up in the Portland State University library. Here’s a look inside the makeshift fortress.
No fascist USA! : the John Brown Anti-Klan Committee and lessons for today's movements - Hilary Moore; James Tracy; Robin D. G. Kelley
"How a national grassroots network fought a resurgence of the KKK and other fascist groups during the Reagan years, and how it laid the groundwork for today's anti-fascist/anti-racist movements."--
Incarcerated resistance : how identity, gender, and privilege shape the experiences of America's nonviolent activists - Anya Stanger
"Grounded in the lives of some of its most committed nonviolent activists, Incarcerated Resistance tells a story of anti-war resistance, what it means to "go to jail for justice" in the contemporary United States, and shows how identity matters in both the activation of prison witness, and as a key shaper of individual experience"--
Voice of Witness (VOW) is an oral history nonprofit that advances human rights by amplifying the voices of people impacted by—and fighting against—injustice.
VOW’s work is driven by the transformative power of the story, and by a strong belief that social justice cannot be achieved without deep listening and learning from those marginalized by systems of oppression. Through our programming, we work with communities to ensure that:
voices of marginalized and silenced communities are centered in narrative contexts (education, media, movements, and policymaking);
students and communities have the tools and training to tell their own stories through oral history;
storytelling practitioners and institutions use ethics-driven methodologies to gather narratives.
The VOW Book Series depicts human rights issues through the edited oral histories of people, VOW narrators, who are most deeply impacted and at the heart of solutions to address injustice. The series explores issues of race-, gender-, and class-based inequity through the lenses of personal narrative.
The VOW Education Program brings unheard stories and our ethical oral history methodology to classrooms and organizations across the US, connecting students, educators, and advocates with training and tools for storytelling in order to advance social change.
Through our partnerships and consulting, VOW offers expert storytelling and program support to nonprofits, activists, schools, foundations, and more. These customized projects and workshops use VOW’s award-winning approach to promote empathy, build relationships, and amplify community voices.
Find us on RadioPublic, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or your favorite podcast listening platform. See below for all of our episodes, show notes, information about our guests, further resources, and full transcripts:
This resource bank provides materials about discrimination and offers information for allies and marginalized groups working to make a difference in their communities. These resources include information on organizations that are committed to anti-discrimination work, mass media, and both academic and professional articles covering topics such as identifying and addressing discrimination, advocacy work, and dialoging about discrimination and anti-discrimination in the classroom.
Welcome to the Social Justice LibGuide!
As you begin your academic and intellectual journey at Adelphi University, or perhaps you have already begun and are continuing this odyssey, this LibGuide provides ideas, resources, and strategies to take charge of your education, both in the classroom and outside of it.
Perhaps you identify with a marginalized, oppressed community, or perhaps you identify with a cross section of minoritized statuses, or perhaps you simply want to become an ally or you are sympatico to social justice causes. Use this LibGuide as a starting point to explore your heritage, ways to become involved in campaigns of interest to you, become acquainted with terminology and concepts, find courses at Adelphi that somehow address social justice issues, learn about important works written by others that you can explore in your extracurricular reading, and more.
Paolo Freire, the famed Brazilian educator, warned against the banking model of education. By this he meant an understanding of education as a system where the teacher deposits knowledge to waiting and passive students. He redefined education as an arena where individuals think critically about reality and ways to transform it. Education should be centered around the experiences, culture and context of the lives of students. Education should be an interaction or an exchange with others. It is the basis for freedom and overcoming oppressive systems, behaviors and knowledge. You already bring so much to the table simply by being who you are, by what you already know, so use this to engage with the world around you and the people who inhabit it.
Instead, approach this LibGuide with the berry-picking theory of information gathering in mind. By this, we mean that you may not know initially what exactly you are looking for, but as you explore, pick bits of information here and there as you come across knowledge and scholarship and resources that stimulate your mind. What you find may surprise and delight you. Find your own way through this important and continuing voyage that we call your education. Take control and refuse the banking model of education and the belief that there is only one standard, defined and true path to being educated.
Begin the dialogue and the conversation! Find an idea, an organization, a book of poetry, or a legal decision, and use it to engage with your professors, your librarians, and your peers. Use this LibGuide to jumpstart the discussion with others. This is the basis for all education.
Emerson College Library: Radical Guide for Social Justice
Social Justice Center at Emerson College
Welcome to a Radical Guide for Social Justice. Among these tabs you will find a collection of texts, videos, podcasts, and other multimodal materials gathered by members of the Social Justice Center at Emerson College as we work to deepen our individual knowledge and collective practice.
We share this collection for those who are also interested in doing their own work for social justice. These topics provide an entry point for further exploration into social justice, anti-oppression, liberation, and organizing movements. As you expand your interest in any particular area, we encourage you to take an intersectional approach by exploring other topics as well.
Please click the SJC logo to visit our homepage at Emerson College for additional information about who we are, the work we do, and resources we offer.
This guide aims to provide information to support your reflective and teaching practices about the Black Lives Matter movement and other anti-racism and anti-oppression resources.
Scholar, writer, editor of The Crisis and other journals, co-founder of the Niagara Movement, the NAACP, and the Pan African Congresses, international spokesperson for peace and for the rights of oppressed minorities, W.E.B. Du Bois was a son of Massachusetts who articulated the strivings of African Americans and developed a trenchant analysis of the problem of the color line in the twentieth century.
Includes over 100,000 items of correspondence (more than three quarters of the papers), speeches, articles, newspaper columns, nonfiction books, research materials, book reviews, pamphlets and leaflets, petitions, novels, essays, forewords, student papers, manuscripts of pageants, plays, short stories and fables, poetry, photographs, newspaper clippings, memorabilia, videotapes, audiotapes, and miscellaneous materials.
The Appeal Podcast, hosted by Adam Johnson, is where we take a deeper look at the most important criminal justice stories of the week—featuring reporters, lawyers, activists, analysts, and those personally affected by the American legal system. The Appeal is available on iTunes, Soundcloud and LibSyn RSS. You can also check us out on Twitter.
Unicorn Riot is a decentralized, educational 501(c)(3) non-profit media organization of journalists. Unicorn Riot engages and amplifies the stories of social and environmental struggles from the ground up. We seek to enrich the public by transforming the narrative with our accessible non-commercial independent content.
Independent, grassroots liberation-journalism focused on politics, power, race, policing, mass incarceration, organizing, and change. No ads, no spam, no hate or trolls because we are 100% supported by members like you. Click to read The North Star with Shaun King, a Substack publication with hundreds of thousands of readers.
Independent, grassroots liberation-journalism focused on politics, power, race, policing, mass incarceration, organizing, and change. No ads, no spam, no hate or trolls because we are 100% supported by members like you. Click to read The North Star with Shaun King, a Substack publication with hundreds of thousands of readers.