Multitopic Resources

LibGuides: Anti-Oppression: Anti-Oppression
LibGuides: Anti-Oppression: Anti-Oppression
This guide is intended to provide some general information about anti-oppression, diversity, and inclusion as well as information and resources for the social justice issues key to the University of West Florida community. This guide is by no means exhaustive but rather serves as a starting place for finding information from a variety of sources. It will continue to develop in response to evolving anti-oppression issues and community needs
LibGuides: Anti-Oppression: Anti-Oppression
Not In Our Town - YouTube
Not In Our Town - YouTube
The Working Group is an Oakland-based nonprofit that combines documentary and multimedia with outreach and organizing. Our efforts have started dialogue and sparked civic engagement in hundreds of communities nationwide, starting with the 1995 public television broadcast of Not In Our Town. This documentary followed the story of the citizens of Billings, Montana who joined forces to resist anti-Semitic and racist bigotry in their town. After an unprecedented national outreach campaign, communities around the country began to use the story as a model for anti-hate work. Today, NIOT is one of the country's leading resources for community organizing to prevent and respond to hate crimes. Please note that comments that include profanity or personal attacks, disrespectful language, hate speech, or other inappropriate material will be removed. Learn more: Follow us on Facebook:
Not In Our Town - YouTube
‘Words matter’: Why the UC Berkeley Library is embracing another term for ‘illegal aliens’
‘Words matter’: Why the UC Berkeley Library is embracing another term for ‘illegal aliens’
The way libraries’ materials are discovered have changed throughout the years — and so have the terms used to describe them. (Photo by Violet Carter for the UC Berkeley Library)Editor’s note: This article contains terms that, while offensive, are included to provide historical context.
‘Words matter’: Why the UC Berkeley Library is embracing another term for ‘illegal aliens’
Moving Walls
Moving Walls
Moving Walls is an annual documentary photography exhibition that showcases photographers exploring a variety of social justice and human rights issues.
Moving Walls
People’s Defense Initiative
People’s Defense Initiative
A community-led grassroots organization dedicated to building a radically inclusive and transformative movement which uplifts and defends human rights.
People’s Defense Initiative
CCIS Books
CCIS Books
CCIS scholars publish books on a wide variety of topics related to immigration. CCIS also publishes its own research, distributed by Lynne Rienner Publishers or co-published with other university and commercial presses. For further information about these books and to order them, please click on the names or covers of the books.
CCIS Books
Nine must-read books about the immigrant experience in the US - Stump & Associates
Nine must-read books about the immigrant experience in the US - Stump & Associates
If you struggle to put into words how you feel about living in a new country, try reading someone else’s story. Reading a similar story to your own will confirm and awaken your feelings on your life in America. Reading books will give you a sense a validation. It’s like the authors are all telling… Read More
Nine must-read books about the immigrant experience in the US - Stump & Associates