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Let’s Talk About CRT, Let’s Talk About Literacy: Modifying the Framework for Anti-Racist Library Instruction
Let’s Talk About CRT, Let’s Talk About Literacy: Modifying the Framework for Anti-Racist Library Instruction
Let’s Talk About CRT, Let’s Talk About Literacy: Modifying the Framework for Anti-Racist Library Instruction Presenters: Adrianna Martinez, Jamia Williams, Kelleen Maluski, Lalitha Nataraj, Sheila García Mazari, and Talitha Matlin Relevant Theories / Concepts Coloniality in Knowledge Production (...
Let’s Talk About CRT, Let’s Talk About Literacy: Modifying the Framework for Anti-Racist Library Instruction
Let's Talk About CRT, Let's Talk About Literacy - 2023 -
Let's Talk About CRT, Let's Talk About Literacy - 2023 -
Let’s Talk About CRT, Let’s Talk About Literacy: Modifying The Framework For Anti-Racist Library Instruction Panel | Thursday, May 18, 2023 | 1:15pm – 2:15pm The Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education is one of the guiding documents for librarians who provide instruction in any capacity. Although The Framework touches upon issues of privilege … Continue reading "Let’s Talk About CRT, Let’s Talk About Literacy — 2023"
Let's Talk About CRT, Let's Talk About Literacy - 2023 -
Trauma-informed law : a primer for lawyer resilience and healing - Helgi Maki, Marjorie Florestal, Myrna McCallum, and J. Kim Wright, editors
Trauma-informed law : a primer for lawyer resilience and healing - Helgi Maki, Marjorie Florestal, Myrna McCallum, and J. Kim Wright, editors
"Our focus is on trauma as it impacts and applies to lawyers and clients in practice, legal education, courts and judges, and the legal system and profession as a whole. This book gives voice to only some of the many traumatic experiences that arise in all aspects of law. Unless we hear these voices, we cannot begin to address the many legal, ethical, moral, educational, juridical systems or other issues they raise even where we have tools to do so. The pursuit of justice means voices of trauma in the legal system deserve to be heard, individually and collectively, even when it's difficult to listen"--
Trauma-informed law : a primer for lawyer resilience and healing - Helgi Maki, Marjorie Florestal, Myrna McCallum, and J. Kim Wright, editors
Oregon bill would decriminalize homeless encampments and propose penalties if unhoused people are harassed or ordered to leave | CNN
Oregon bill would decriminalize homeless encampments and propose penalties if unhoused people are harassed or ordered to leave | CNN
Democrats in the Oregon House of Representatives have introduced a bill that would decriminalize homeless encampments in public places and allow homeless people to sue for $1,000 if harassed or told to leave.
Oregon bill would decriminalize homeless encampments and propose penalties if unhoused people are harassed or ordered to leave | CNN
Swastikas on Campus
Swastikas on Campus
By Marcelo Rodríguez (Follow us on LinkedIn) On April 11th, 2023, an anti-abortion group decided to display swastikas, pictures of the Holocaust as well as the Rwandan and Cambodian genocides …
Swastikas on Campus
Freedom to Learn: Nat’l Day of Action Targets Ron DeSantis, “Anti-Woke Cabal” over Book Bans & More
Freedom to Learn: Nat’l Day of Action Targets Ron DeSantis, “Anti-Woke Cabal” over Book Bans & More
This week, protests were held across the United States against right-wing efforts to ban books and antiracism education in schools. Fourteen protesters with Florida’s Dream Defenders were arrested Wednesday for staging a peaceful sit-in inside the office of Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis at the end of the state’s legislative session, in which he backed efforts to ban abortion after six weeks, deny gender-affirming care for youth, roll back rent control, censor discussions of LGBTQ issues and Black history in schools, and crack down on immigrants and unions in his political crusade against “wokeness.” We speak with one of the arrested protesters, Nailah Summers-Polite, co-director of Dream Defenders, and Kimberlé Crenshaw, the legal scholar well known for her work in the field of critical race theory, about the Freedom to Learn protests and the push to preserve the integrity of the AP African American studies course attacked by DeSantis and other far-right activists.
Freedom to Learn: Nat’l Day of Action Targets Ron DeSantis, “Anti-Woke Cabal” over Book Bans & More
Daily Show for April 26, 2023
Daily Show for April 26, 2023
A daily independent global news hour with Amy Goodman & Juan González. “Sing Your Song”: Remembering Harry Belafonte, Who Used His Stardom to Help MLK & Civil Rights Movement; Harry Belafonte in His Own Words on Opposing Iraq War & Calling George W. Bush a “Terrorist”; “Get Down to Business”: Harry Belafonte in 2016 on Trump, Socialism & Fighting for Justice
Daily Show for April 26, 2023
ALA calls for national day of action to protect the freedom to read, designates Right to Read Monday for 2023 National Library Week
ALA calls for national day of action to protect the freedom to read, designates Right to Read Monday for 2023 National Library Week
Unite Against Book Bans virtual event to honor a lifetime of free expression through story CHICAGO — The American Library Association (ALA) today announced a national day of action to protect libraries and the freedom to read, designating April 24, the Monday of National Library Week, as Right to Read Day. Right to Read Day also marks the first anniversary of the ALA-founded Unite Against Book Bans campaign, a public-facing advocacy initiative to empower readers everywhere to stand together in the fight against censorship.
ALA calls for national day of action to protect the freedom to read, designates Right to Read Monday for 2023 National Library Week
ACLU sues North Carolina over anti-riot law | The Journal Record
ACLU sues North Carolina over anti-riot law | The Journal Record
Harsher punishments for violent protests in North Carolina are being challenged by a prominent civil rights group, which said in a federal lawsuit filed Tuesday that several parts of a new anti-riot law are unconstitutional.
ACLU sues North Carolina over anti-riot law | The Journal Record
American Library Association reports record number of demands to censor library books and materials in 2022
American Library Association reports record number of demands to censor library books and materials in 2022
Book Challenges Nearly Doubled From 2021 CHICAGO — The American Library Association (ALA) today released new data documenting* 1,269 demands to censor library books and resources in 2022, the highest number of attempted book bans since ALA began compiling data about censorship in libraries more than 20 years ago. The unparalleled number of reported book challenges in 2022 nearly doubles the 729 challenges reported in 2021. A record 2,571 unique titles were targeted for censorship, a 38% increase from the 1,858 unique titles targeted for censorship in 2021.
American Library Association reports record number of demands to censor library books and materials in 2022
How Colorism Affects Women at Work
How Colorism Affects Women at Work
Colorism is an insidious, globally prevalent bias that deeply impacts the lives and livelihoods of darker-skinned women. The term refers not only to the preference for lighter skin between different racial and ethnic communities, but also within those communities. Colorism is an enduring vestige of colonialism and white dominance around the globe and disproportionately harms women of color. Inclusive leaders must work to prevent women of color from experiencing colorism at work — and make sure they don’t leave. The author presents three ways to disrupt colorism in the workplace.
How Colorism Affects Women at Work
Academic Libraries Video Trust catalog
Academic Libraries Video Trust catalog
The Academic Libraries Video Trust is a service facilitating the preservation of audiovisual (“AV”) works in the collections of member libraries. The principal activity of ALVT is to provide a clearinghouse or repository of digital versions of selected AV works, generally works currently available only in the obsolete VHS format. The service is built on opportunities allowed to libraries and archives for the preservation and replacement of works in their collections, pursuant to Section 108 of the U.S. Copyright Act. Video Trust offers this service in order to encourage the preservation and appreciation of the educational films, motion pictures, documentaries, and other works that are increasingly out of reach because of the obsolete technology.
Academic Libraries Video Trust catalog