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Listen Archives - The Mash-Up Americans
Listen Archives - The Mash-Up Americans
The Mash-Up Americans is your guide to hyphen-America. We're rooted in tradition, looking to the future, and creating culture each day we live it. Since 2013, we've been helping our community navigate the complexities of mash-up identity as we cross multiple borders, ask all of the awkward questions, and figure out for ourselves what it means to live expansive, authentic, impactful lives where we bring our whole selves to the table every time. In nearly a decade of doing this work we've learned Mash-Ups are at the leading edge of culture, whether it’s in what they’re doing or how they’re doing it — so if you want to know who the thinkers and leaders are of the future, let us tell you.
Listen Archives - The Mash-Up Americans