Racial Justice

#race #law "#legal ethics"
Lawyer Forward: Owning History
Lawyer Forward: Owning History
In this episode, Mike talks about race, both in America generally and the legal system specifically. He uses the story of Italian internment in World War II to explore the idea of "otherness." Out of preferences and perceptions, as well as a history of identifying white culture with professionalism, the legal industry has created a context that's hostile to African Americans. Resolving that distance will only come after first owning our ugly history.   Episode Resources Connect with Mike Whelan    White Lawyering by Russell G Pearce:   Why the US Needs Black Lawyers:   Police killings can be captured in data. The terror police create cannot.   Thomas Schelling, Micromotives and Macrobehavior:  
Lawyer Forward: Owning History
Race Racism and the Law - Vernellia R. Randall University of Dayton School of Law
Race Racism and the Law - Vernellia R. Randall University of Dayton School of Law
"Race Racism And The Law considers race racism and racial distinctions in the law. It examines the role of domestic and international law in promoting and/or alleviating racism. This website makes law review scholarship (and related material) more accessible to community activists students and non-legal faculty."
Race Racism and the Law - Vernellia R. Randall University of Dayton School of Law