Racism Is Real • Systematic Racism Explained • Black Lives Matter • BRAVE NEW FILMS (BNF)
With the Black Lives Matter movement growing across the country, many Americans still don't understand what systematic racism is. Systematic racism is when thousands of resumes are mailed to employers with identical information and black-sounding names are 50% less likely to get a call back. Systematic racism is when when black people are charged prices roughly $700 higher than white people when buying cars. Systematic racism is when black drivers are twice as likely to get pulled over by the police and black male teens are 21 times more likely to be killed by cops than their white counterparts. Systematic racism is when black people are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of white people.
The Black Lives Matter movement isn't just about lives. It's about education and opportunity for black lives. You can't say Black Lives Matter unless you sincerely want to dismantle all forms of systematic racism.
And something is wrong when we continue to NOT do anything about it! This film "Racism Is Real - Systematic Racism Explained" should be required viewing for everyone. This film is systematic racism explained, but we need to TAKE ACTION.
SIGN THE PLEDGE TO FIGHT RACISM http://www.bravenewfilms.org/racism
Educators: use this film in your classroom! http://www.bravenewfilms.org/educators
Robert Greenwald and Brave New Films (BNF) are at the forefront of the fight to create a just America. Greenwald and BNF create free documentary films that inform the public, challenge corporate media, and motivate people to take action on social issues nationwide. Brave New Films’ investigative films have shined a light on the Trump administration, voter suppression, U.S. drone strikes, the prosecution of whistleblowers, and Wal Mart’s corporate practices. BNF's mission is to champion social justice issues by using a model of media, education, and grassroots volunteer involvement that inspires, empowers, motivates and teaches civic participation and makes a difference.
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Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtcBBqlRDW8&t=104s
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Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03DGjnIkTdI&t=1458s
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Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgHrUAVraXg&t=112s
“Sentencing Reform: Part 1 - The Power of Fear”
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Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29Fotznf9lc&t=11s