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Agents of change: Community efforts to overcome racial inequities | The GroundTruth Project
Agents of change: Community efforts to overcome racial inequities | The GroundTruth Project
Agents of change: Community efforts to overcome racial inequities is an editorial series created in collaboration with Report for America, with support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, that highlights how local initiatives address racial inequalities through grassroots approaches.
Agents of change: Community efforts to overcome racial inequities | The GroundTruth Project
Human Rights & Banned Books Week: Internationalizing Banned Books Week with Amnesty International
Human Rights & Banned Books Week: Internationalizing Banned Books Week with Amnesty International
Attendees will learn strategies for broadening Banned Books Week (BBW) programming through the inclusion of Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) BBW materials a...
Human Rights & Banned Books Week: Internationalizing Banned Books Week with Amnesty International
Racial justice at work : practical solutions for systemic change - Mary-Frances Winters
Racial justice at work : practical solutions for systemic change - Mary-Frances Winters
There is no DEI without justice. This book brings the J in DEIJ to life, giving organizations a road map to justice-centered action. We have not yet succeeded at dismantling systems that perpetuate harm and exclude non-white groups. Many organizational DEI efforts fail because they are too tactical and focus on "fixing" marginalized communities rather than reworking the systems that uphold inequity. A component is missing from the diversity, equity, and inclusion equation-- justice. Justice as an orientation focuses on repairing broken systems, acknowledging harm, and implementing deliberate processes and practices that produce equity and shift power. Justice work diverges from traditional metrics-driven DEI work and requires a new approach to thought and action to effectively dismantle power structures. DEIJ pioneer Mary-Frances Winters seeks to provide understanding and guidance to organizations committed to doing the work properly. With additional chapters written by the Winters Group's core team and strategic partners, this book shares relevant theory and practical remedies to achieve equitable workplaces and features advice on how to ditch neutrality, practice restorative dialogue, amplify anti-racist practices, and more. By taking a justice perspective, this book will help readers to both achieve equity and sustain it. --
Racial justice at work : practical solutions for systemic change - Mary-Frances Winters
Changing the Law to Change Policing: First Steps - Barry Friedman Brandon L. Garrett Rachel Harmon Christy E. Lopez et al.
Changing the Law to Change Policing: First Steps - Barry Friedman Brandon L. Garrett Rachel Harmon Christy E. Lopez et al.
"Recent events have brought to the fore longstanding concerns about the nature of policing in the United States and how it undermines racial equity. As an institution policing needs significant reconsideration. It is time to rethink the structure and governance of policing. It is also time to engage in a deeper conversation about the meaning of public safety. In the meantime however the following is a list of urgently-needed reforms compiled by a small group of law school faculty each of whom runs or is associated with an academic center devoted to policing and the criminal justice system. The reforms are not intended as an entire agenda for what ought to happen around policing or what American policing should look like. Rather they offer immediate concrete steps federal state and local governments can take to address enduring problems in policing. The authors are scholars who are also deeply involved in the daily practice of policing and included among them are the Reporters for the American Law Institute's Principles of the Law: Policing which works with advisers from across the ideological spectrum in drafting high-level principles to govern policing though the recommendations here go beyond the scope of the ALI project."
Changing the Law to Change Policing: First Steps - Barry Friedman Brandon L. Garrett Rachel Harmon Christy E. Lopez et al.