Research & Academic Scholarship

Reviewing academic library policies for DEIAJ elements: Development and application of a policy review tool
Reviewing academic library policies for DEIAJ elements: Development and application of a policy review tool
Policies in academic libraries, whether formal or informal, external or internal, carry high levels of importance for the functioning of the library. …
Reviewing academic library policies for DEIAJ elements: Development and application of a policy review tool
A Tool That Helps Provide Easy and Fast Access to Archived Web Content and Data
A Tool That Helps Provide Easy and Fast Access to Archived Web Content and Data
There is a lot of interest (with good reason) these days in data preservation and web archiving.  Two of the many projects getting some well-deserved attention are the End of Term Web Archive and the recently announced Harvard Law School Library Innovation Lab Archive. Another project that’s also been getting a lot of attention […]
A Tool That Helps Provide Easy and Fast Access to Archived Web Content and Data
Project MUSE - Participatory and Ethical Strategic Planning: What Academic Libraries Can Learn from Critical Management Studies
Project MUSE - Participatory and Ethical Strategic Planning: What Academic Libraries Can Learn from Critical Management Studies
This paper introduces a subfield of management studies, "critical management studies" (CMS) in order to rethink mainstream management practices in academic libraries, with strategic planning as an illustrative example. Mainstream management models from the corporate sector prioritize efficiency, productivity, and numerical measures for assessing impact. Academic libraries have generally borrowed uncritically from this mainstream management praxis, but how well does this serve our needs, especially when it comes to the most complex issues we face? CMS draws on critical theory to interrogate the methods and goals of mainstream management, with an emphasis on denaturalizing "taken for granted" practices and prioritizing ethics and worker equity. After providing a brief overview of the history and adoption of mainstream management in academic libraries, this paper focuses on strategic planning as an illustrative exploration of CMS principles in an academic library context. Strategic planning is a common managerial practice that has been embraced by academic libraries and generally modeled after mainstream approaches. Yet, CMS scholars contend that traditional strategic planning reproduces workplace inequities and universalizes managerial interests. In this article, I employ ideas from CMS to rethink library strategic planning by opening participation, reframing problems, and embracing our ethical agency.
Project MUSE - Participatory and Ethical Strategic Planning: What Academic Libraries Can Learn from Critical Management Studies
Library Trends examines “Indigenous librarianship” in issue and webinar
Library Trends examines “Indigenous librarianship” in issue and webinar
The School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is pleased to announce the publication of Library Trends 72 (1). This issue, "Indigenous Librarianship," examines the current state of Indigenous librarianship. Ulia Gosart and Rachel Fu served as guest editors. Library Trends, in partnership with the guest editors and select authors, will host a virtual webinar featuring lightning talks based on articles from the upcoming issue.
Library Trends examines “Indigenous librarianship” in issue and webinar
ALA and Sustainable Libraries Initiative Release National Climate Action Strategy | Sustainability
ALA and Sustainable Libraries Initiative Release National Climate Action Strategy | Sustainability
The American Library Association and the Sustainable Libraries Initiative have announced the new National Climate Action Strategy for Libraries and created an implementation guide to help libraries incorporate climate action locally into strategic and facility plans.
ALA and Sustainable Libraries Initiative Release National Climate Action Strategy | Sustainability
Integrating Tribal Law into the Legal Research and Writing Curriculum: Benefits, Challenges, and Strategies - Amber Madole, Bonnie J. Shucha, and Rebecca Plevel
Integrating Tribal Law into the Legal Research and Writing Curriculum: Benefits, Challenges, and Strategies - Amber Madole, Bonnie J. Shucha, and Rebecca Plevel
In the United States, the Constitution recognizes three types of sovereigns: federal, state, and tribal. Each of these sovereign entities possesses the inherent
Integrating Tribal Law into the Legal Research and Writing Curriculum: Benefits, Challenges, and
Integrating Tribal Law into the Legal Research and Writing Curriculum: Benefits, Challenges, and Strategies - Amber Madole, Bonnie J. Shucha, and Rebecca Plevel
Hidden Barriers: The Experience of Academic Librarians and Archivists with Invisible Illnesses and/or Disabilities | Manwiller | College & Research Libraries
Hidden Barriers: The Experience of Academic Librarians and Archivists with Invisible Illnesses and/or Disabilities | Manwiller | College & Research Libraries
Hidden Barriers: The Experience of Academic Librarians and Archivists with Invisible Illnesses and/or Disabilities
Hidden Barriers: The Experience of Academic Librarians and Archivists with Invisible Illnesses and/or Disabilities | Manwiller | College & Research Libraries
Freedom of Speech and AI Output
Freedom of Speech and AI Output
Is the output of generative AI entitled to First Amendment protection? We’re inclined to say yes. Even though current AI programs are of course not people and d
Freedom of Speech and AI Output
Reflections On Resistance, Decolonization, and the Historical Trauma of Libraries and Academia
Reflections On Resistance, Decolonization, and the Historical Trauma of Libraries and Academia
This personal narrative explores the tensions between libraries and academia as sites that reinforce colonialism, and what is required of vulnerable and minoritized populations in order to secure livelihood in the profession of librarianship. This paper explores the culture of diversity initiatives through the framework of conditional hospitality, and attempts to reconcile indigenous participation in libraries and academia as colonial power structures through historical trauma theory. Barriers to inclusion for indigenous peoples are also explored, including examination of how indigenous knowledge and ways of knowing are included within the LIS curriculum. This chapter is included in The Politics of Theory and the Practice of Critical Librarianship, edited by Karen P. Nicholson and Maura Seale, and published by Library Juice Press in March 2018.
Reflections On Resistance, Decolonization, and the Historical Trauma of Libraries and Academia
Selection & Reconsideration Policy Toolkit for Public, School, & Academic Libraries
Selection & Reconsideration Policy Toolkit for Public, School, & Academic Libraries
"The library is a growing organism" S.R. Ranganathan (1931) Home | Introduction Why Do I Need a Policy?Every library — academic, public, and school (public, private, charter, independent, and international) — should have a comprehensive written policy that guides the selection, deselection or weeding, and reconsideration of library resources. The most valuable selection policy is current; it is reviewed and revised on a regular basis; and it is familiar to all members of a library’s staff. The policy should be approved by the library’s governing board or other policy-making body and disseminated widely for understanding by all stakeholders.
Selection & Reconsideration Policy Toolkit for Public, School, & Academic Libraries
Unpacking 2023 Legislation of Concern for Libraries
Unpacking 2023 Legislation of Concern for Libraries
EveryLibrary is issuing a comprehensive report on 2023 state-level legislation affecting libraries. The report, “Unpacking 2023 Legislation of Concern for Libraries”, is designed to support and assist state library associations in future legislative advocacy campaigns. The recent wave of state legislation affecting libraries across the United States has been largely negative, with a focus on restricting access to certain materials, particularly those deemed harmful or inappropriate for minors. Through June 17, 2023, twenty-four bills have passed in state legislatures. Two were vetoed, and 22 are in various stages of enactment. These bills have been enacted in fourteen states: Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah. The bills encompass several recurring themes that pose potential challenges to library operations and services. [Clip] This report provides a moment-in-time review of state-level legislation affecting libraries and education while looking at key themes across and between states. The report offers strategic recommendations for state library association leaders and legislative advocates to build coalitions, activate constituents, and work across the entire lifecycle of a bill, including pre-session communications and post-session actions.
Unpacking 2023 Legislation of Concern for Libraries
Democratizing Law Librarianship: Reducing Barriers to Entry through Alternative Pathways to the Profession and Increased Support to Students: A Call to Action
Democratizing Law Librarianship: Reducing Barriers to Entry through Alternative Pathways to the Profession and Increased Support to Students: A Call to Action
Law librarianship is a constantly evolving profession driven by the evolution of law practice, legal education, government, and law itself. Changes in these dri
Democratizing Law Librarianship: Reducing Barriers to Entry through Alternative Pathways to the Profession and Increased Support to Students: A Call to Action
From "A History of Exclusion" to "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion": What May Have Gone Wrong in the Pursuit of the New Notion of Professionalism - Slaw
From "A History of Exclusion" to "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion": What May Have Gone Wrong in the Pursuit of the New Notion of Professionalism - Slaw
Today, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (“DEI”) practices have become indispensable in almost every legal workplace. DEI practices aim to promote a new notion of professionalism, one where individuals from all walks of life enjoy fair treatment and full participation. “Merry Christmas” has become “Happy Holidays”. Profiles of Black and Asian-looking lawyers surge during Black History […]
From "A History of Exclusion" to "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion": What May Have Gone Wrong in the Pursuit of the New Notion of Professionalism - Slaw
Aspects of Patient Care: Layering Voices for Inclusive Decision Making
Aspects of Patient Care: Layering Voices for Inclusive Decision Making
This is the first of three sessions where the instructor works with pharmacy students to help then understand how to conduct literature searching and research from an inclusive perspective. The students have already seen the instructor once so emphasis is placed on understanding their current search knowledge, addressing the needs of the group, and then on them exploring how to research topics of patient care with a myriad of voices (not just relying on scholarly works). This is done with many activities and group work.
Aspects of Patient Care: Layering Voices for Inclusive Decision Making
Let’s Talk About CRT, Let’s Talk About Literacy: Modifying the Framework for Anti-Racist Library Instruction
Let’s Talk About CRT, Let’s Talk About Literacy: Modifying the Framework for Anti-Racist Library Instruction
Let’s Talk About CRT, Let’s Talk About Literacy: Modifying the Framework for Anti-Racist Library Instruction Presenters: Adrianna Martinez, Jamia Williams, Kelleen Maluski, Lalitha Nataraj, Sheila García Mazari, and Talitha Matlin Relevant Theories / Concepts Coloniality in Knowledge Production (...
Let’s Talk About CRT, Let’s Talk About Literacy: Modifying the Framework for Anti-Racist Library Instruction