To the Arizona Law Community, Faculty, and Administration, - The Harm and History that Demands Action
UA’s Federalist Society (FedSoc) asked NALSA to co-sponsor an Indian Child Welfare
Act event and help them find a faculty member who could speak about its benefits. We asked
FedSoc for more information about the event, and they informed us that they envisioned a
well-rounded and educational discussion about the “positive and negative” impacts of ICWA in
child welfare cases. Due to conflicting schedules, we were unable to help.
It came to our attention that FedSoc titled the event, Separate but Equal Lives: The
Indian Child Welfare Act and its Mistreatment of Native Children, which negates their goal of a
well-rounded discussion and perpetuates harmful rhetoric about Native communities. We
respectfully asked FedSoc to change the title days before it was published in the College of
Law’s Weekly Bulletin, but they refused. We now respectfully request that the James E. Rogers
College of Law require a title change. We also ask those who are interested in this subject to
attend the two ICWA events this week that amplify Native peoples’ lived experiences to create
a well-rounded perspective.