Griswold v. Connecticut Back in the Spotlight As Birth Control Debate Resurfaces
Donald Scarinci of Scarinci Hollenbeck a business law firm in New Jersey discusses Grisworld v. Connecticut.
Supreme Court decisions remain relevant long after they are decided, often setting legal precedent for years and even decades. The landmark decision of Griswold v. Connecticut is a perfect example. Vice President Joe Biden referenced the case in a speech at a political fundraiser I attended earlier this month in New Jersey. He was responding to comments by Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum suggesting that the case was decided incorrectly.
In Griswold, the Supreme Court affirmed the right of married couples to use contraception. The Court later extended that right to unmarried couples in Eisenstadt v. Baird. Together, the cases ultimately paved the way for the Supreme Court's decision regarding abortion in Roe v. Wade.
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