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Utmost resistance : examining sexual violence law in the United States - Amy Vorenberg, Jessica Durkis-Stokes, and Jessica Brown.
Utmost resistance : examining sexual violence law in the United States - Amy Vorenberg, Jessica Durkis-Stokes, and Jessica Brown.
"Despite greater social awareness and intense media coverage of high-profile sexual assault cases, the vast majority of such crimes still go either unreported or unprosecuted. Why? The answer lies in the patchwork of laws governing such crimes and the often sexist and racist roots that underlie them. This book discusses the history of sexual violence laws, the social and media forces that drive the laws, and the progress American society has made in recognizing and punishing such behavior. The chapters cover a range of subjects including federal regulations such as Title IX and Title VII, sentencing, children and sexual violence, pornography, and evidence, as well as the evolution of legal concepts such as force and consent"--
Utmost resistance : examining sexual violence law in the United States - Amy Vorenberg, Jessica Durkis-Stokes, and Jessica Brown.
Broken : women's stories of intimate and institutional harm and repair -Lisa Young Larance.
Broken : women's stories of intimate and institutional harm and repair -Lisa Young Larance.
"In the U.S., the second-wave feminist fight to achieve legal and societal recognition of men's violence against women leaned heavily on the victim-offender binary, which has since become inscribed in funding schemes, legal remedies, and intervention approaches. In Broken, scholar-practitioner Lisa Young Larance interviews women who participated in antiviolence intervention and draws on her own extensive practice in the field to explain how this binary erases the trauma histories of those who both survive and cause harm. Calling for a more holistic conception of interpersonal violence that makes room for human complexity, Broken illuminates the connections across race, class, and sexual orientation that facilitate women's healing and repair"--
Broken : women's stories of intimate and institutional harm and repair -Lisa Young Larance.
Feeling trapped : social class and violence against women - James Ptacek
Feeling trapped : social class and violence against women - James Ptacek
"The relationship between class and intimate violence against women is much misunderstood. While many studies of intimate violence focus on poor and working-class women, few examine the issue comparatively in terms of class privilege and class disadvantage. James Ptacek draws on in-depth interviews with sixty women from wealthy, professional, working-class, and poor communities to investigate how social class shapes both women's experiences of violence and the responses of their communities to this violence. Ptacek's framing of women's victimization as "social entrapment" links private violence to public responses and connects social inequalities to the dilemmas that women face"--
Feeling trapped : social class and violence against women - James Ptacek