High court: Arizona can enforce genetic issue abortion ban
PHOENIX (AP) — The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday allowed enforcement of a 2021 Arizona law that lets prosecutors bring felony charges against doctors who knowingly terminate pregnancies solely because the fetuses have a genetic abnormality such as Down syndrome.
Arizona says "personhood" abortion law can't lead to charges
PHOENIX (AP) — An attorney with the Arizona attorney general's office told a judge Friday that a 2021 state “personhood” law that gives all legal rights to unborn children can't be used to bring criminal charges against abortion providers.
US Capitol statues will honor Justices O'Connor and Ginsburg
The first and second female justices on the U.S. Supreme Court will have statues erected in their honor at the U.S. Capitol as a result of a bill signed into law last week by President Joe Biden.
Agnese Nelms Haury cared deeply about the environment, science, social justice, international cooperation, and Southwest peoples and cultures. The Haury Program invests in people and programs that help make an impact in the areas of social justice and environment; further enhancing the legacy of Mrs. Haury. Our vision is that all people will live more social just and sustainable lives as we confront the environmental challenges of the 21st century.
U.S. Eyes Emergency Contraception Grants if Top Court Cuts Abortion Rights
US News is a recognized leader in college, grad school, hospital, mutual fund, and car rankings. Track elected officials, research health conditions, and find news you can use in politics, business, health, and education.
Senate to Vote to Take Up Bill Codifying Abortion Rights Next Week
Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) announces that he will file Cloture on a bill Monday that would codify abortion rights, with a vote to follow Wednesday. "Next week's vote will be one of the most important we ever take because it deals with one of the most personal and difficult decisions a woman ever has to make in her life. This is not an abstract exercise. My fellow Americans, it's as real and as urgent as it gets." Sixty votes will be needed for consideration of the Women’s Health Protection Act.
Louisiana Lawmakers Withdraw Bill Declaring Abortion Homicide
US News is a recognized leader in college, grad school, hospital, mutual fund, and car rankings. Track elected officials, research health conditions, and find news you can use in politics, business, health, and education.
Blocked Senate bill would make Roe v. Wade law, expand it
WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Democrats’ abortion legislation is “very simple," as it would enshrine into federal law the landmark 1973 Roe v.
Biden Considers Executive Orders, New Funds for Abortion
US News is a recognized leader in college, grad school, hospital, mutual fund, and car rankings. Track elected officials, research health conditions, and find news you can use in politics, business, health, and education.
CRISIS AND CARE : queer activist responses to a global pandemic - Adrian Shanker; Rea Carey (Foreword by)
Crisis and Care reveals what is possible when activists mobilise for the radical changes our society needs. In a time of great uncertainty, fear, and isolation, Queer activists organised for health equity, prison abolition, racial justice, and more. Crisis and Care anthologises not what happened during COVID-19, or why it happened, but rather how Queer activists responded in real time. It considers the necessity to memorialise resiliency as well as loss, hope as well as pain, to remember the strides forward as well as the steps back.
Transgender rights in the United States - Wikipedia
In the United States, the rights of transgender people vary considerably by jurisdiction. By the end of 2021, at least 130 bills had been introduced in 33 states to restrict the rights of transgender people.[1] In 2022, over 230 anti-transgender bills were introduced in state legislatures in a coordinated national campaign to target transgender rights.[2] Many of these bills became law.
A bathroom bill is the common name for legislation or a statute that denies access to public toilets by gender or transgender identity. Bathroom bills affect access to sex-segregated public facilities for an individual based on a determination of their sex as defined in some specific way, such as their sex as assigned at birth, their sex as listed on their birth certificate, or the sex that corresponds to their gender identity.[1] A bathroom bill can either be inclusive or exclusive of transgender individuals, depending on the aforementioned definition of their sex. Unisex public toilets are one option to avoid this controversy.
Fourth Circuit Allows New Type of Same-Sex Harassment Claim Based on Stereotyping | JD Supra
In its Oncale decision, the U.S. Supreme Court recognized that same-sex sexual harassment violates Title VII’s sex discrimination prohibition. In that...
Coming to a Passport Near You: Non-Binary Gender Marker — Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library
The U.S. Department of State currently allows people to select a binary gender marker (M or F) for their U.S. passports, “ even if the gender [they] select does not match the gender on [their| supporting documentation such as a birth certificate, previous passport, or state ID. ” In addition, p