Social Media Accessibility: Inclusive Design Tips for 2023
A11y Cat: digital accessibility resources
Alt Text as Poetry Workbook
Our workbook consists of written introduction about alt text and alt text as poetry. A series of writing exercises.
Our workbook consists of:
Written introduction about alt text and alt text as poetry.
A series of writing exercises.
How To Write Alt Text For Color Palettes - Veroniiiica
How to write alt text for color palettes and create accessible color palettes for people with vision loss and color deficiencies
7 Common Myths About Alt Text | Veroniiiica
Alt text writing course
How to Write Alt Text and Image Descriptions for Instagram
Cooper Hewitt Guidelines for Image Description | Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Verbal Description Training
Alt Text Hall of Fame
Imagine, for a moment, that your browser stopped showing you images. You would still see them referenced in articles, you’d read conversations about them, people making jokes. What would this experience be like for you? You would certainly feel pretty left out.
An alt Decision Tree Using Only :has()
I use the CSS :has() pseudo-class to provide an interactive alt text decision tree (from the W3C WAI Tutorial) that uses no script. It is progressively enhanced, so browsers without support for :has() still get all the content.