2023 Global Conference & Expo - Disability:IN

A11y Cat: digital accessibility resources
a11yTO Conf
ATIA 2024 Conference - Assistive Technology Industry Association
Design Systems Week 2023
From 2 to 5 October NL Design System organises the third edition of Design Systems Week. Speakers from various organisations will join us for short talks about the how and why of design systems. This year there will be talks both in Dutch and English.
Disability Innovation Summit
This summit will explore the vision to 2030, bringing together global experts and new voices to share big ideas. We'll hear what's been tested and what's been learnt - asking the question: What next for disability innovation?
Inclusive Design 24 (#id24)
Web4All 2023 – 20th International Web for All Conference
Web4All 2024 – 21st International Web for All Conference
WebAIM: Screen Reader User Survey #9 Results
WebAIM: Survey of Web Accessibility Practitioners #3 Results
WordPress Accessibility Day
WordPress Accessibility Day is a free 24-hour global event dedicated to addressing website accessibility in WordPress.