A11y Cat: digital accessibility resources
Clive Loseby: The internet's accessibility problem -- and how to fix it
The internet provides access to knowledge for billions across the world, but how accessible is it really? Website accessibility advocate Clive Loseby sheds light on why many parts of the web are closed off to those with disabilities -- and lays out some steps to make being online better for everyone.
Enhancing Usability: The Role of Placeholder Labels & Accessible Names in Forms
This YouTube video discusses web accessibility, including form controls, labels' importance, ARIA labels, screen reader behavior, testing with JAWS and NVDA, placeholders versus labels, and the significance of visible labels for inclusivity online.
Rooted in Rights Guide to Creating Accessible Videos
An accessible video is one that contains content that everyone can consume, including people with disabilities who may be unable to hear the audio or see the images on screen. This means that, among other things, the auditory experience of the video must convey all essential information for those who cannot see, just as the visual experience will need to do the same for people who cannot hear.
Speech Accessibility In Games From The Perspective of a Person Who Stutters
Patrycja Polowczyk dives into speech accessibility and different mechanics that games implement in order to facilitate and enhance cooperation and information flow.
This talk focuses on exploring the solutions that work and those that fall short for people with speech disabilities.
Xbox Accessibility Disability Etiquette
In an effort to help, Xbox has put together a training session to help game developers have enjoyable and productive interactions with people with disabilities. This video covers the basics of interacting with people with various categories of disabilities. After watching it, you should feel better prepared and more comfortable working with gamers with disabilities.