Are you accessible? — A Primer on Web Accessibility
A11y Cat: digital accessibility resources
ARIA - Accessibility | MDN
ARIA Accessible Notifications
ARIA Accessible Notifications by W3C.
ARIA Authoring Practices Guide | APG | WAI | W3C
Ariakit - Toolkit for building accessible UIs
articles on design engineering
Articles | Axess Lab
ASLint – Accessibility testing tool
Asqatasun, webpage analyser for SEO and Accessibility
Assess the Accessibility of PDFs - Assess-the-Accessibility-of-PDF-R2.pdf
Assessment Checklist
Assistiv Labs
Assistive technologies and online learning
Assistive technology
Assistive technology compatibility tests · PowerMapper Software
Assistive technology demonstrations | Vision Australia. Blindness and low vision services
Assistive Technology Glossary | Fable
Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA)
Our mission is to serve as the collective voice of the assistive technology industry so that the best products and services are delivered to people with disabilities.
Assistive Technology Professional (ATP)
The ATP certification recognizes demonstrated competence in analysing the needs of consumers with disabilities, assisting in the selection of appropriate assistive technology for the consumers' needs, and providing training in the use of the selected devices.
AT Banter Podcast
ATIA 2024 Conference - Assistive Technology Industry Association
Atkinson Hyperlegible
Atkinson Hyperlegible, named after the founder of the Braille Institute, has been developed specifically to increase legibility for readers with low vision, and to improve comprehension.
Auckland Digital Accessibility and Inclusive Design Meetup (Auckland, New Zealand)
New Zealand
Audiobooks for Dyslexia & Learning Disabilities | Learning Ally
AudioGames, your resource for audiogames, games for the blind, games for the visually impaired!
Auditing Design Systems for Accessibility
Learn how to audit your design system for accessibility compliance with inclusive design expert Anna E. Cook.
Augmenta11y · Dyslexia-friendly reading app · Shravan Apps by Oswald Labs
Austin Accessibility and Inclusive Design (Austin, TX)
Autism and Accessibility, Design Challenges and Solutions