Book — Reginé Gilbert
A11y Cat: digital accessibility resources
Books without barriers: a practical guide to inclusive publishing - Institute of Professional Editors Limited
Bookshare | An Accessible Online Library for people with print disabilities
Born Accessible Publishing
Below are a few resources to help publishers and the myriad of other new, digital content creators understand the basics of how to make content born accessible. These resources highlight the challenges that images, interactivity, math equations and other complex features pose, but also demonstrate how they can be addressed.
Boulder Accessibility and Inclusive Design (Boulder, CO)
Boulder Accessibility and Inclusive Design | Meetup
Breaking Barriers: Combat Accessibility in 'God of War Ragnarök'
Bring accessibility to charts in your app - WWDC21 - Videos - Apple Developer
Brisbane Web Accessibility & Inclusive Design (Brisbane, Australia)
Browser Video Players Review
Browsing with a keyboard - TetraLogical
Browsing with a mobile screen reader - TetraLogical
Browsing with assistive technology
Browsing with assistive technology videos - TetraLogical
Build & Test Accessible Web Apps | Testing Accessibility
Build accessible apps
Practicing accessible engineering is the right thing to do. It's also required for anyone designing apps for governments or large institutions. Ensure your apps are as accessible as they can be.
Building Accessibility Into Design Systems | Adobe XD Ideas
Building accessibility into your company, team, and culture
This talk discusses what it means for a company to build an accessible product, what models exist for accessibility teams, and how you as an individual developer can go beyond your own code to bring accessibility more deeply into the culture of your workplace.
Building Accessible Menu Systems — Smashing Magazine
Building an Accessibility Library
Building an accessible autocomplete control
Building disability-friendly communities | Accessible Community
Building For Everyone: Expand Your Market With Design Practices From Google's Product Inclusion Team: Jean-Baptiste, Annie: 9781119646228: Books
Building inclusive products for trans people
Building the Accessible Usability Scale - A Walkthrough | Fable
Building UX research practices for inclusion
Join Maureen, former behavioral researcher turned UXR, and Josh, an accessibility lead at Veterans Affairs, for a deep dive into the common pitfalls of inclusive UX research from the projection bias of expert testers to the unequal distribution of power during analysis.
Join Maureen, former behavioral researcher turned UXR, and Josh, an accessibility lead at Veterans Affairs, for a deep dive into the common pitfalls of inclusive UX research from the projection bias of expert testers to the unequal distribution of power during analysis. They’ll share actionable guidance on how to further mature an inclusive research practice from purposeful sampling strategies to intersectional awareness and equitable hiring practices.
Business benefits of employing people with disability - Australian Network on Disability
Business Case for Equitable AI
Business Disability Forum