Making the web a more welcoming place for minority languages
In this talk I will instead focus on some of the smaller steps that we as designers and technologists can take to make the web a more inclusive and welcoming place for our minority language users.
The technical challenges for minority languages can seem insurmountable; research & development is often market driven, and by definition, minority languages can’t promise large profits to Big Tech and so are overlooked. However, in this talk I will instead focus on some of the smaller steps that we as designers and technologists can take to make the web a more inclusive and welcoming place for our minority language users.
Overlays – the policy perspective
A brief overview of the current situation in Europe when it comes to overlays, made by Roberto Scano, senior ICT accessibility expert. The panel will discuss the end user perspective of overlays as well as technical aspects, focusing on how new technology should best be handled from a policy perspective.
Real AI Solutions for Accessibility Challenges
Large language models and the coding tools built around them (Github, Amazon Code Whisperer) have made it faster than ever to create code. However, since the majority of the code used to train these models is itself inaccessible, the code completions they offer are more often than not, inaccessible.
The good news for accessibility is, there are some important techniques that get around this problem. Come learn how it's easier than ever to build web and mobile experiences the right way from the get-go.
Really inclusive online conferences
In this presentation I'll look at the decisions that went into our efforts to make our conferences as inclusive as possible, with particular focus on our accessibility efforts–including our ARIA Live Region based accessible slides system, that makes one of the least accessible aspects of any presentation, slides, as accessible as possible.
Removing Bias with Wizard of Oz Screen Reader
Learn about our process, trials and errors, and successes we’ve had in adapting the Wizard of Oz method for screen readers.
Learn about our process, trials and errors, and successes we’ve had in adapting the Wizard of Oz method for screen readers.
The indisputable truth about accessibility
Almost 50% of 1.5 million Dutch people use one or more of digital accessibility settings. In my talk I will share the insights and learnings from this research. This helped me to convince others to focus on a11y from the beginning. Now it will help you, too.
The International Association of Accessibility Professionals Youtube Channel
The International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) is a not-for-profit membership-based organization for individuals and organizations that are focused on accessibility or are in the process of building their accessibility skills and strategies.
Session V: Smart Campus Maturity Model Quick Wins
The journey begins - Why accessible content is everyone's responsibility
To improve digital experiences across the board, we must use our expertise to help those who don't know what they should be doing and that there are many things they can do to improve their content without any technical expertise.