Designing for Dementia

A11y Cat: digital accessibility resources
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Computing
Creating Accessible Documents
AbilityNet Factsheets | AbilityNet
AbilityNet Newsletter
GOV.UK Design System Team
SSSVG: An Interactive SVG Reference
BBC case study: proving Return on Investment (ROI) - Hassell Inclusion
Essential iOS Apps, VoiceOver, Accessibility
Download the Atkinson Hyperlegible Font | Braille Institute
Do No Harm Guide: Centering Accessibility in Data Visualization
Web Accessibility: A Reference to Creating Inclusive Websites
Disability toolbar & screenreader simulator for Chrome - Silktide
How Reading Level Affects Web Accessibility
Introducing the Inclusive Panda
Form design: from zero to hero all in one blog post
Digital Ethics
Blindness Isn't a Tragic Binary — It's a Rich Spectrum | Andrew Leland | TED
Useit - Vi gör tillgänglighet enkelt!
Challenges for Screen-Reader Users on Mobile - Disability Mainstreaming in Gesellschaft und Medien.
7 ways to improve LGBTQ+ representation in stock media
Age-positive icons - Centre for Ageing Library
LottieFiles: Download Free lightweight animations for website & apps.
LottieFiles: Download Free lightweight animations for website & apps.
Gender-Inclusive Language Project • UX Content Collective
Blush: Illustrations for everyone
Design is a Skill, Diversity is an Opportunity: Why Representation Matters | Blush Blog
Designing forms for gender diversity and inclusion