The Legal Case: Why Your Kiosk Should be Accessible - TPGi

A11y Cat: digital accessibility resources
Considerations for making an accessible kiosk - Updated - TPGi
Does WCAG Apply to Kiosks? - TPGi
Short Note on: Button or Link? - TPGi
Section 508 vs. ADA Compliance - TPGi
Making Numbers in Web Content Accessible - TPGi
A Guide to Creating a Successful Digital Accessibility Program - TPGi
TPGi - Your Digital Accessibility Solutions Partner!
Mostly Coherent Thoughts |
WCAG primer - TetraLogical
Course List
Accessible tap targets
Blog Overview - TPGi
Foundations: target sizes - TetraLogical
Foundations: accessible names and descriptions - TetraLogical
Inclusive XR: accessible augmented reality experiences - TetraLogical
WebAIM: Web Accessibility E-mail List Archives
Champions of Accessibility Network - LinkedIn Group
We are a group made up of accessibility specialists, champions network leaders and people who are trying to progress accessibility in their organisations.
With a main focus on champions networks, the aim of the group is to learn from each other, share resources and ideas, bring together those with similar challenges and ultimately make the world a more accessible place.
Blog - TetraLogical
UN Flagship Report on Disability and Sustainable Development Goals | United Nations Enable
United Nations Enable Newsletter | Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD)
Disability and Employment | United Nations Enable
Factsheet on Persons with Disabilities | United Nations Enable
Factsheet on Persons with Disabilities | Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD)
Disability and Employment | Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD)
Disability Resources | Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD)
Disability | Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD)
Living With Disabilities
Change in Childhood Disability Rates by Disability Type: 2008 and 2019
Disability Publications