Accessible and inclusive content | Style Manual

A11y Cat: digital accessibility resources
Accessible and Inclusive Security Advocates (public)
Accessible and Usable PDF Documents
Accessible Animated GIF Alternatives
Accessible Books Consortium (ABC)
The ABC aims to increase the number of accessible (braille, audio, e-text, large print) books worldwide for people with print disabilities.
Accessible Brand Colors
Accessible Charts Done Right – Sergei Kriger: #id24 2018
Accessible Code Reviews
Accessible Color Contrast Tool (Make Any Color Accessible!)
Accessible color palette builder
Accessible color palettes | Figma Community
Accessible Color Standards - Designing in the Browser
Accessible Colors
Accessible Components: The Card Pattern | LinkedIn
Accessible Conference Guide
This document contains information for organizers of academic conferences who wish to make their events as accessible as possible, so that everyone can participate fully, including people with disabilities and sensory or neurological differences.
Accessible design: How much motion is too much motion?
Accessible Digital Office Document (ADOD) Project
Accessible Document Specialist (ADS) - IAAP
The IAAP Accessible Document Specialist (ADS) credential is intended for accessibility professionals who have the ability to create accessible electronic documents.
Accessible Documents - YouTube
Accessible Email Made Easy: Introducing Accessibility Checks in Litmus - Litmus
Accessible Episodes — Timothy Buck
Accessible Focus Indicators: Something to :focus on | Deque
Accessible fonts for easier readability: the basics
Fonts affect accessibility for visually impaired and dyslexic users. Read our guide to understand how to choose accessible fonts for websites and other documents that are easy to read for everyone.
Accessible Forms 101
Accessible Icon Buttons
Accessible Image Sample Book - DIAGRAM Center
Accessible Images
Most people know that you need to provide alternative text for images. There is much more to the accessibility of an image than just its alt text. There are many additional accessibility principles and techniques regarding images.
Accessible Images For When They Matter Most
Accessible Images: From Creation to End User
Accessible Inclusive Web Africa
A community where we envision a digital landscape where every user’s needs are acknowledged and addressed.
A community where we envision a digital landscape where every user’s needs are acknowledged and addressed.