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A11y Cat: digital accessibility resources
Rewriting Digital Content for Brevity
Writers always get the advice to be concise, but doing so is easier said than done. These tips and tricks help reduce your word count.
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Computing
Riktlinjer för kognitiv tillgänglighet på webben - Rekommendationer för kognitiv tillgänglighet_220704.pdf
Riktlinjer för undertextning i Sverige
Under de senaste åren har undertextningsorganisationerna som ingår i AVTE sammanställt nationella riktlinjer för undertextning i samarbete med branschens olika aktörer. På den här sidan hittar du alla riktlinjer som har givits ut hittills.
Rising » FS Me: ‘The accessible type’
FS Me is a typeface family designed by Jason Smith of Fontsmith. Developed with Mencap, a leading UK charity for people with learning disabilities, it was designed to meet, and then exceed, the recommendations of government accessibility guidelines.
Roboto Mono - Google Fonts
Rocket Validator
role=drinks, January 22nd, Amsterdam
Rooted in Rights Guide to Creating Accessible Videos
An accessible video is one that contains content that everyone can consume, including people with disabilities who may be unable to hear the audio or see the images on screen. This means that, among other things, the auditory experience of the video must convey all essential information for those who cannot see, just as the visual experience will need to do the same for people who cannot hear.
Royalty Free and Rights Managed Images, Photos and Videos...
Rules for the Accessibility Checker - Microsoft Support
Run FAE : Functional Accessibility Evaluator 2.3
Safari VoiceOver Helper Bookmarklet
Saint Louis Digital Accessibility & Inclusive Design (Saint Louis, MO)
San Diego Accessibility & Inclusive Design (San Diego, CA)
Scaling accessibility with a design system.
Scope’s online community
Scott O'Hara - Accessibility engineer, UX developer and designer |
scottaohara/accessible_components: Listing of accessible components & patterns
Screen Magnification
Screen Reader
Screen Reader Demo for Digital Accessibility
Screen Reader Keyboard Shortcuts and Gestures
Screen reader testing: how to test your website's accessibility
Screen reader View Firefox extension - AccessibilityOz
Screen readers and drag-and-drop, part 1: draggable elements - Darin Senneff
Screen Readers: A Guide to Punctuation and Typographic Symbols
SCULPT for Accessibility | Worcestershire County Council
Seattle Area Accessibility & Inclusive Design (Seattle, WA)